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Showing posts from 2019

10 month update

10 months! Just continuing to hone in on her same skills - and still not crawling yet! We did have her evaluated by two PTs since our daycare provider was concerned about the lack of crawling - thankfully, they didn't seem concerned yet since she's hitting all the other milestones.. and she's not necessarily 'behind' on it yet. They said she's very smart and just seems like a chill baby that doesn't have much interest in moving around (which is what I always thought!) Favorite word for a good week or two was: 'A'. Now starting to say "hi" band I think she might know what it means! Laughs even more. Sometimes she just seems to laugh to make us laugh lol. She started squinching her entire face sometimes when smiling and it's super cute! Cries when we take toys from her hands Started clapping! Started playing around with the water during bathtime Still likes supported standing - can stand for up to a minute or two without us ho

12/07/19: I'm working again!

Damn, it's been over 2 months since I last had an update about myself! Soooo. I'm working again! At a new job. I just started on Monday at Yelp. That wasn't really the plan. I was gonna go back to work at my current job, but it didn't pan out. I didn't envision really starting to work until next year, since Mya's bedtime is still so early (at 6) and starting at a new job would probably require me to work longer hours or come home later... especially since we live out in Forest Hills and it takes about 45 minutes to get into the city. I figured I could at least brush up on my interviewing skills so that I could be more ready by early next year and sent resumes out, not really expecting much.. lo and behold, Yelp was the first company that called me back - even though I was excited, I didn't really want to get my hopes up, but I surprised myself and got through all 3 rounds (I should really give myself more credit!!). I think I got a job offer 3 weeks after th

9 month update

9 months! No new milestones hit yet, just honing in on her skills of talking, sitting, grasping and on her way to crawling (but not yet!) First weekend with just mommy since July since getting back to NY! (It was pretty easy taking care of her since she pretty much entertains herself nowadays) Most of her favorite toys are still the first ones she's had since birth. I've only bought 3 toys since I got back to NY these past couple months and she only really takes to 1 of them. Doesn't hate tummy time anymore!! Stays on her tummy to play and works her arms when she's in the mood Sits really well independently but still needs pillows behind her in case she moves her neck back too strongly or suddenly Likes assisted standing by the window :) Started rocking back and forth while sitting and scooting forward (only sometimes) Still eating a lot! Daycare told me the only thing she doesn't like so far is papaya. Eczema got really bad on her legs and ankles. SOOO d

10/17/19: Columbus Day weekend - she's so good at going out!

Had a nice 4 day weekend! Carlo actually got Friday off and we had plans to have a date day to ourselves since we have daycare for Mya, but she actually ended up being REALLY sick that day, so we had to scrap those plans and take care of the bb. We actually didn't have anything concrete planned, so we weren't too bummed out. Either way, the baby needed us. Poor thing! Her first time with really bad congestion. Thankfully, she's still a pretty happy baby when she's sick (for the most part) - but is just more lethargic. We're really blessed to have such a happy and easygoing baby. I think we still ended up going out on all 4 days even though she was sick, but we kept it minimal and indoors for the days she was really miserable. We ended up discovering that she's a pretty easygoing and adaptable baby, in terms of going out! Usually our outings and short and sweet to make it home to her naps, this was the first time one of our outings lasted 3 hours! SAT: Ha

8 month update

SO much personality now at 8 months. More active than ever! Started daycare LOVES stroller rides Transitioned to using bottles 100% of the time - doesn't breastfeed anymore :( - b/c 1) daycare (where they have to use bottles to feed her) and 2) she stopped being interested in breastfeeding a little after she turned 7 months, mostly b/c I think FOMO.. she got more interested in looking around her / playing rather than just facing my boob and eating lol BA BA BA was her favorite phrase for a good week.. now babbling and using various consonants and vowel sounds. Sometimes uses a raspy voice but then other times has a cute sing-songy voice lol, I wonder when she decides to use which.. Loves being talked to and playing peekaboo Smiles especially more when dad is around! Apparently mama is no fun! Can now sit unassisted - was pretty rocky at the beginning of the month and now doesn't need any help! Literally EVERYTHING is super interesting to her and she wants to grab it!

9/30/19: Feeling like myself again

Wooo! Good news y'all. I'm feeling more like myself again these days. I am now anxiety-free, which means I can actually sleep through (most) of the night again. I think it's been 3 weeks. Some of it was alleviated after seeing her love daycare SO MUCH but the root of most of my anxiety was her night sleep and just trying to figure her out. Having Carlo here I think helped ease all of that.. My mom certainly helped me out a ton when I was back home, but at the end of the day, Mya isn't her child and of course, I couldn't expect her to take her on fully, so I put all of the responsibility on myself. Now that Carlo is here, it's shared and it's so much easier. A lot less tiring and taxing - physically and mentally. SERIOUSLY though. I was just thinking the other day - once you have a baby.. expect not to have a 'chill weekend' for a good few years. Those days where you cherish a day to sleep in? DOESN'T EXIST ANYMORE. Every day is go go go. Thankful

9/24/19: First week of daycare

We weren't expecting to put Mya in daycare for 2-3 weeks after we got back to NY, but since she adjusted to the new place and timezone pretty much instantly, we figured she was ready - and I could really use the break since Carlo is gone pretty much the whole day - all week. At least with my mom, it was only half of the week and I had some help. Of course, I couldn't sleep the night before she started daycare, as well as the ENTIRE WEEK - just thinking and worrying too much, even though she's adjusting great. I didn't have separation anxiety and dropping her off, but I did wonder a lot of how she's doing with her naps and if she's doing well and hoping that she's happy. The first couple of days though, I did regret it because now is seriously the BEST age with her personality forming, smiling, laughing, and babbling more than ever.. I'm like.. man.. I did all the nap and sleep training and now I have to send her away now that she's the most fun

7 month update

15 lbs. 13 oz (gained 13 ounces from not gaining anything between 5-6 months!) 26 inches long (gained 1 inch) Smiles and laughs a lot more - this seems to be the age where her personality is starting to shine! Started FINALLY playing with her own toys (instead of just watching me play with them for her). Constantly wanting to grab things on her own. Started turning her wrist a lot and getting really good at gripping things and moving them from hand to hand Kicks water during bathtime. Seems like she actually has fun during bathtime now :) Started babbling again! Gets distracted during diaper changes and always turns to the left or right and tries to grab stuff Holds my hand/finger when she nurses (it's so cute!!) Super good neck control! Can sit up with her neck straight really well. 6 month sleep regression + growth spurt happening around the 6 month, 3 week mark. Lot of night wakings to eat (had to start using formula to keep up with her appetite!) Cheeks DEFINITELY g

You're an army man AND you have a baby?!

..Earlier this week while we were in the elevator in the morning to go to work / drop Mya off at daycare. *Little girl walks into elevator and sees Carlo in uniform* "You're an army man?" *looks down and sees Mya in the stroller "This is your baby? You're an army man AND you have a baby?" Kids say the darndest things. Carlo must have melted a little and thought about how Mya will be at that talking age one day. BTW! It's Carlo's birthday today!! I kept asking what he wanted to eat and how he wanted to celebrate but he said he's just happy to have us all together again :')

9/20/19: Back to NY!

As of 10 days ago, we moved back to New York! Got back to New York on the evening of 9/09, and it was my birthday the next day. The most stressful birthday I've ever had. Was in 0 mood to celebrate since I was EXHAUSTED with the flight back with baby the day prior and then just settling into the new place by myself with the baby since Carlo had to go to work. Imagine almost no sleep from an exhausting day just to have another exhausting day after it. No sleep for the wicked. I remember that night thinking.. man, I miss those days where you would wake up and say something like, "I AIN'T DOING SHIT TODAY.." Yeah, you don't get that privilege when you're a parent.. My last post 2 weeks ago, I alluded to how bad Mya (and my) sleep was. That was seriously hell week. Probably the hardest week I dealt with at home. Of course it HAD to be the week prior to the flying back home when I had the least sleep I've had since she was probably a newborn. Overall, the f

9/6/19: 6 month sleep regression (pt II)

I've promised MULTIPLE times throughout this baby/blog's life that I wouldn't post so much about sleep.. but I can't help it! THIS IS MY PLACE TO VENT. The 6 month sleep regression is KILLING me. Apparently it usually lasts a week or two. It looks like it's been 4 nights so I'm about 30% through it? It's good to know it's temporary. Her sleep regression was coupled with a fever too - her first non-immunization induced fever! So she was also up extra because she was feeling terrible. :( Thankfully her fever has passed and I think now her wake-ups are solely because of hunger. But it's fucking NUTS that her development and growth have been visible. Her face looks bigger, she seems already a bit heavier, and her sitting, talking, and coordination skills have improved significantly these few days :0 Carlo is coming back at such a great time - when she's actually interacting better. Before, I would have to literally put on a show for 6-8 hours f

9/3/19: Oh sweet 6 month sleep regression / last week in SF!

Pretty sure she's going through a sleep regression but really it just means that her brain and body is growing extra and she needs the extra night feeds like I kinda talked about in the last post. Uninterrupted night sleep good was for that 4-6 weeks. Took it for granted. Now it looks like I'm back to about 1-2 night feeds.. wonder how long it will last! Went through 2 sleep regressions here by myself. Killa. Damn you, Carlo, so lucky to miss it! So much for getting back into shape! It's hard to take care of yourself when you are not getting your basic need of sleep. But, baby comes first. I haven't even gone for my daily walks these past few days because I'm too tired. Thankfully, with the Labor Day Weekend, my mom happened to be off and she was able to play with her and walk with her more in the day. Even if I don't get to actually fall asleep during these naps, it's nice just to lie down with some peace and quiet as a form of rest. My mom got really lu

9/1/19: Growing pains

Man, everything about taking care of a baby IS SO EMOTIONAL. Now that she's 6 months, she NEEDS more calories from solid food and not breastmilk. Though, I felt a bit emotional about that earlier this week (literally agonizing over this) because I thought for a bit that maybe it's MY milk supply that's dwindling and that it's my fault that she's hungry, but really, this is just the age where she's growing and needs more nutrition from outside sources simply because she's getting bigger. BAHHH. I couldn't help but feel a bit sad about it. But yeah, again, this is all tied back to night sleep! After her horrible tummy troubles and bad night sleep, I dialed back on giving her solids to be extra cautious. But then she ended up waking up in the middle of the night because of hunger. Or, who knows for sure, since she can't talk, but I had a gut feeling that it was hunger-related because my pediatrician did say that she did gain weight slower. After I

8/27/19: Adventure(?) of feeding solids to bb

Oh man! I can't believe it's been almost 2 weeks without an update. The last 2 days have been HELL. Little did I know, it was because of my own doing because of feeding baby too many solids too soon. Her stomach was wreaking havoc and her night sleep was REALLY bad. Like, same as first night of sleep training bad. Her sleep last week got bad too. The week prior to that, she was doing amazing. I was wondering what was going on, thinking it might have been a 6 month regression or separation anxiety or something but glad we narrowed it down to the food. ERGH. Was in a bad place again - obviously when you are lacking sleep and your baby is crying bloody murder, no one can be in a good mood :((( So sad to know that I was the one that caused her this pain too. SO SAD.... definitely learning the hard way and learning every step we go. Yesterday was a only 1 nap day and I spent literally all day watching the baby monitor and watching her cry trying to sleep, knowing that she was

8/15/19: Updates on me!

From the last update: Postpartum hair loss still going strong! Except I didn't realize it's not the hair loss that's the problem. It's the hair regrowth! My sister in law sent me a pic of her bangs when they were growing out and OMG lol. I def have a TON of baby hair in the front and I didn't notice it before! Related to hair - scheduled a haircut for before we head back to NY! Very excited for this b/c my last haircut was the day of my 6 week postpartum checkup. So, that means it's been about 4-5 months. My hair's at an awkward length right now. Happenings! I got to hang out with some friends within the last month and I was definitely more care-free while I was out since Mya's been better with the sleep. I remember when I first went out with a friend when I JUST started sleep training and I literally had anxiety the whole time and I dreaded coming home. No more of that!! Nice to be myself, nice to be out, and of course, nice to catch up with people!! I

8/15/19: 6 month update

Whoa dere.. lack of updates again! I think because I have been so exhausted and really, not too many exciting things have happened from now and the last 10 days or so. Still having short naps and PRAYING it's just a small temporary setback. 6 month baby update! 25 inches long, 14 lbs and 11.5 oz She turned 6 months yesterday and also had her 6 month check-up. IT WAS TERRIBLE. She's been good about doc visits in the past and wouldn't cry except for her shots, but I guess the 6 month stranger danger / stranger anxiety is real. She cried - REALLY hard - from the time when the nurse came in to weigh her and even when it was just us two in the room, she was still sniffling and catching her breath, and her eyes were so red :( She gained an inch and only about 1.5oz from the last check-up. The doctor was a bit concerned b/c her pace of growth slowed down a bit. The doctor says it could be genetics kicking in - and she might be smaller since I'm smaller. I think it coul

08/05/19: Day in the life of: 5 month old

Wow! I've neglected this for almost 2 weeks. Life hasn't been too exciting and my life still revolves closely monitoring her naps and watching the baby monitor haha - so that's why I haven't updated much since I said I wouldn't talk anymore about sleep training. WELP. I can't help it, it really consumes my life. Her nighttime sleep overall is really good, Her naps have been really short though and she only takes 1.5-2 hours of naps for the entire day.. for her age, the average should be more around 3 hours :/ Her first nap used to almost always be 2 hours, but not anymore!! Now I just get three half hour naps throughout the day. There's nothing I can do much to help her with that except leave her in her crib for a while longer when she wakes up to kind of signal to her that she should still be sleeping. But she never goes back to sleep. Guess she's just a party baby! Too excited for the world. I'm actually a horrible napper too, maybe she got that fr

07/24/19: Each day is the smallest you'll ever be

SIGH - I have been so emotional lately! I wonder if it's because 1) I've had too much time to myself to think (b/c my mom has pretty much been gone for the last 2+ weeks) or 2) hormonal changes (b/c of postpartum hair loss). Whatever it is, it's a good thing, because I haven't had time to 'feel' or think about anything else other than just taking care of baby's needs and then my meals and showers. I already know in my head that every day I hold Mya is the smallest she'll ever be. It really hit home today when I was holding her up against my shoulders. UGH. She's so freakin' cute. I always love getting the side angle of her face when she's right next to me and I get a good close up of her chubby cheeks and I can't help but kiss them or tell her how cute she is. I started slow dancing with her and started tearing up just thinking about how fast she's going to grow. How many more months where I can still hold her like that and have

07/21/19: Last(?) sleep training update

Sorry (not sorry!) about all the sleep training updates. It literally consumes my entire life so I can't NOT talk about it. Any time that she's not awake, my eyes are glued to the baby monitor. I imagine it's going to be like this for a while. Hopefully one of the last ones, for the near future at least. Usually when there's a final and last post to something - it means good news or at least an end to something. I'd like to gladly announce that it's one of my last sleep training posts, because we are REALLY darn close to Mya consistently getting full night's rests like she should. I happened to look at her sleep log and it's improved leaps and bounds. See below! The teal blue is when she is asleep. The periwinkle (purpley) blue is when she's in bed but fighting sleep. You can see she's been getting more sleep and her sleep is consistent now. Weeks before, she never got big blocks of sleep like that and it was never consistent. Ideally,

07/18/19: Sleep training progress pt II, my thoughts on it so far

Been about 5-6 full nights since the last update - I didn't post an update because honestly, the progress had been stagnant for the last 5-6 nights. I was feeling pretty defeated because I have put in SO MUCH WORK and I felt like I wasn't making any progress :(. (We'll talk more about my feelings on it so far later.) She would always sleep for about an hour after I put her down for bedtime, but then be up for 2-3 hours until she'd be able to go back to sleep again. This is not really "normal" for a baby after sleep training for two weeks now, most babies will only be up for an hour at most and then be able to go back to sleep. Most babies can be fully sleep trained within a week. But, our situation hasn't been typical. We're trying to reverse about a month or two of having a late bedtime for her, simply because we didn't know any better. So I think her body is just running its course and taking its time to adjust to the new schedule of about 6

7/14/19: 5 month update

25 inches 14 lbs 11 oz Gained an inch and 11 ounces since the last checkup. Started rolling over from back to belly (YAY!). Did it pretty sloppily and only when she was in the mood for it around the 4.5 month mark, around the 5 month mark, does it pretty often when I put her on her belly. If she's tired though, she can't roll over. I feel like she likes to roll over because she just HATES tummy time that much. Lol. Can keep head up at tummy time for an extended time. Good head and neck control. Not as conversational as she used to be, seems to be more of a quiet observer now instead. (Maybe taking after me??! Quiet bb??) Better at trying to grasp objects, but still not grasping them. No longer interested in her playmat. Doesn't show much interest in toys! I bought her new toys but she doesn't seem to like playing with any of them. She's more interested in watching me, or watching me play with the toys FOR her instead. I was reading that babies at this age d

07/12/19: In hindsight: Things I would have done differently

About to hit the 5 month mark! Already have started thinking about baby #2 and things we would have done differently. If you asked me a week ago about having another baby, I would say, HELL NO! Having one baby is a fuck-ton of work. If Mya's sleep continued to be like that, I would have not been able to deal. And I can't imagine dealing with that TWICE. Which relates back to the title of this post. Things I would have done differently knowing what I know now. Before the 4 month mark when they start getting sleep cycles, I would have went out on a lot more outings, because baby can sleep on the fly wherever and whenever. Semi-related to the above - - I should have went outside more during the first month of postpartum. A LOT more. To get fresh air, to get some light exercise, and just for the baby to be outside, just to be in a different environment than home. Because you really are there 24/7, it's nice to even just get some sunshine and feel the wind on your face. I sh

7/09/19: Updates on me! (5 months postpartum)

About to be 5 months postpartum next week! Pretty sure postpartum hair loss has hit me. I swear I'll find random strands of hair everywhere and the shower drain has more hair buildup than usual. Have more time to actually post now so here's an update on me. The last 4 weeks have been a whirlwind! I have had zero time to myself, with packing up our apartment, flying back to SF, traveling to Canada, making sure to get as much time in with Carlo as possible, and then finally being able to settle into a routine with the baby and getting used to taking care of her on my own for most of the week, then dealing with the 4 month sleep regression that I didn't know was coming at all! I already read up a bit more about about future baby sleep regressions or developments now that I have dealt with my new first one - in an effort to be more proactive versus reactive so it doesn't hit me blindsided.. O_O. Next one should be at around 6 months - haha, so I have about a month to

07/07/19: Sleep training progress pt I

WTF Y'all. What. The. Fuck. And I mean that IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE. Sleep training is working much quicker than I'd thought it would!! Naps have been going MUCH better than anticipated. She goes down for her naps pretty easily. Sleep is a work in progress. I looked at my logs for the last few weeks, and it looks like since we got to San Francisco about 3 weeks ago is when we essentially messed up her schedule where she would be sleeping at 10PM-11PM every night.. so it's been a bad habit set by us for the last 3 weeks that we essentially need to reverse now, so that will take some time. Hopefully tonight goes better. It was really heartwrenching to hear her cry nonstop for about 3 hours last night but I read that it might be an 'extinction burst' where she'll show progress but then psychologically revert back to her bad habits to see if it will get her anywhere. I read that this is common around day 3 and 4 for using my specific sleep training method, so

07/05/19: Sleep training night 1, attempt 1: GIVING IN OUT OF DESPERATION

Watching your baby on the baby monitor in the midst of sleep training is like watching a strange voyeuristic, sadistic free show, that's eerily.. I wouldn't say entertaining, but like.. intriguing?!? Just seeing how your baby progresses (or lack thereof at times, but overall, progress). I mentioned in my last post that I was going to delay sleep training for a multitude of reasons. BUT WOW. After having the worst day of my life since Mya was born, I gave in and gave it a try out of desperation. As I mentioned before, since moving back to SF, her schedule has been out of whack and she's consistently been a nightmare to put down for sleep. She will ALWAYS fight her bedtime and we'd be trying from 8 PM-1 AM on average to put her down for sleep as she's hysterical and crying. It's horrendous. If you've ever even held a hysterical crying baby for 10 minutes, you'll know that it is extremely trying, mentally -- so imagine that for hours... for over a week.

07/01/19: Dreaded 4 month sleep regression + sleep training?

So after I wrote the attack of the poopy monster post and attributed the bad sleep to constipation and poop.. I realized I probably wrote something similar like LITERALLY a month earlier when she had her immunizations?? Or that time she had another huge poop and I stayed up for most of the night with her. WELL, this time, I think her bad sleep is actually attributed to sleep regression. Ah, I have finally hit that lovely milestone (sense my sarcasm here..?!??!) Her sleep has been pretty bad consistently since we moved back to SF. Coincidentally, the move back to SF was as she turned 4 months old. It probably didn't help that she is also in a new environment completely and her whole schedule and routine was out of whack when Carlo was in town. Nothing that could really be helped, of course. SUCKS THOUGH. Her nighttime (AND NAPTIME!) sleep is worse than it's ever been. When she was a newborn, she was relatively easy to put down, she would just wake up a lot to nurse, but that

06/29/19: Mya's red egg!

Last Sunday was Mya's red egg! It was a pretty hectic day, but overall, it went really well. I had envisioned that she would be crying and at least would need to be held for a good hour for the event, but she surprised me and actually only cried once when she was hungry. She was pretty cool meeting new people and even being held by some of them :) Got there early as anticipated. She actually woke up early that day and the way I calculated, she would have napped the 45 minute car ride and then be ready to partay by the time we got to the restaurant. Of course, in typical baby fashion, you can't EVER expect anything to turn out the way you expect. She ended up being awake for the entire car ride, and then falling asleep about 5 minutes before we parked. So I ended up sitting with her for about 45 minutes just keeping an eye out, while my mom and Carlo set up for the event. People started rolling in, but she was still sleeping so I asked my mom to watch her instead. I wanted her t

06/29/19: Attack of the poopy monster

New mom things: Walking with your baby in the carrier for 90 minutes, just praying that they get an inkling of sleep. When you're a parent, you'll do ANYTHING to get your baby to sleep. Especially on the days they're hysterical. The carrier is one of the sure-fire ways that Mya calms down and is able to sleep (even if it takes her a while sometimes, because she's so curious and likes looking around. She is heavy and nearing 16 pounds, but I didn't care, just wanted to make sure she got a wink of sleep. It took her about an hour to fall asleep and then she only got about 25 minutes after that. Eh. Better than nothing. The night before and yesterday were hell. The night before, I tried getting Mya to sleep pretty much for 4 hours. I tried putting her in her crib four times before I gave up. It was 1:30 AM and I was like.. FUCK IT, YOU'RE COMING TO BED WITH ME. I don't like to start bad habits, but it was BAD. Most of the time, I'm not physically tired, b


Well, three posts in 3 days. I guess that makes up for the lack of posts in the last 2 weeks. (I woke up early because I'm getting my hair done for the weekend and have some time to kill while eating and being alone (it's nice!!)..) Yesterday, Mya had a LONNGGG three hour nap. I probably should have woken her up because that's more like a short sleep, but I figure she's been through a lot of changes and new things this week, so I let her be. But yeah. THREE hours. I had no idea what to do with this free time. Simply because, I don't really get free time anymore. I mean, I do, but usually not for over an hour at a time. Usually the SINGLE hour I get, I check up on my emails, blogs, and social media, or I'm eating or prepping for the next meal. The first hour I checked up on my email, ate my lunch, and read my blogs.. went to peek at the baby and she's sound asleep. Second hour rolls around and I'm like.. HMM, I guess I'll actually start actually going

6/22/19: Being back in SF

WEEK 2 OF 2 UPDATE! This is the only full week that Carlo's going to have and we honestly didn't plan anything, but it's turned out to be quite busy week. Making the most of it while he's here! Thoughts of being back in San Francisco after an entire year: It is definitely one of the most beautiful cities we've ever visited, and we're blessed to have been grown and raised here. But MAN, is it expensive!! Everything is just more expensive here.. obviously rent/housing cost - but most noticeably - FOOD! We'll eat the same thing in NY and it's like 25-30% cheaper. It makes us re-evaluate if we really do want to return to the Bay after our stint in New York is over. Another thing is because education here is also more expensive and ridiculously competitive to even get into a good daycare or private school. We'll see. So much has changed.. already! There's been a lot of constructions projects around the city which have completed since we left -

6/22/19: 4 month update

Mya's 4 month update / accomplishments! Not too much new.. kind of just like a more advanced 3 month thing She only started putting hands to face at 10 weeks, but now she eats her hands. JUST started grasping at toys Touches her own hands and fingers alot (like how Mr. Burns of The Simpsons goes.. "Excellent..") Still just cooing Can extend neck higher and longer at tummytime Neck fairly strong - can pick her up by the armpit and she can hold her head up for a while Didn't play on her playmat this past month because we did a lot more talking and sitting upright Still disliking bathtime but doing much better TYPICALLY only 1-2 night feedings. It was only the first week of month 3 that there were 0-1 night feedings :( Still not rolling around HATES being put to bed for some reason. Always takes an extra hour or two just to put her to bed for the night.  LOVES looking outside the window. She just likes looking at things that are moving. Doesn't necessar

6/20/19: Whirlwind of 2 weeks! Moving out, first flight WITH and WITHOUT baby, O Canada

Y'all!! I can't believe it's been two weeks since my last post. A LOT has happened and I haven't had any time to sit still, let alone, write.. especially since Carlo only has about 10 days here in SF and then he's gone to Kentucky. So I should have lots of more free time then. WEEK 1 OF 2 UPDATE! Friday-Monday 6/7-6/11: Essentially, during this time, we were packing up our entire apartment. Hard to do when you have a baby to look after (essentially, it was me taking care of the baby, while my mom did a lot of cleaning/packing, and then Carlo doing all the hard work of moving heavy furniture and all of our things to storage in lots of mini trips (let alone going up 3 flights of narrow stairs up and down on his own during each of these trips, not to mention, in 70 degree weather.. HOLY SHIT.. it was already hard enough lugging it down, and then to walk back up 3 flights and to do it all again... thighmaster 3000.. Tuesday 6/12: This was our last day in the apa

6/6/19: 8 PM

It's about 8 PM right now and I'm in the dark in the bedroom keeping tabs on Mya to make sure she's getting her last restful nap of the day. At 3 months, she should ideally be getting 3-4 hours of daytime sleep and she's only had a little over 2 hours today so far. FINGERS CROSSED. It's annoying though because there's always TONS of honking and police sirens going off and I can see her stirring in her sleep -_-.. Noise. The main reason we are moving to the 'burbs. New Yorkers, man. Likely one of the most impatient breeds of people. We live at an intersection and I can confidently say that, about 50% of the time RIGHT when the light turns green and the first car doesn't move within 0.5 seconds, there's most likely going to be a honk. We hear yelling throughout the day as well lol (usually for the first car to get a move-on.. if they take more than a second, some folks get mad.. LIKE Y THO) ANYWAY. 8PM. It's crazy because I'm reminiscing t

6/3/19: Weekend activities!

Wow, lol, I've been so busy - I meant to post about our Memorial Day weekend last week but got caught up - but I'll just lump it into this post :) It's been so nice after she's turned 3 months old because we can have actual weekend outings where we're not restricted to just going out within the area. We've been ballsy and have pushed it to Manhattan, Flushing, and Brooklyn by both train and car, and she's actually done really well! At 3 months, she can stay up for up to two hours, so it's nice for her to be able to get out of the house and be able to observe things outside of the house. And it's good for us to be able to go out again! She does pretty well on the subway and mostly sleeps through the rides, and with the car, she's actually adjusted pretty well. I'll have a more updated note on this in the 4 month update post. Last week was SUPER eventful! It was nice to be able to go out with friends and be social again for the first time