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Showing posts from February, 2021

2y update

 can't believe she's already 2! it's already been a year since she's seen family since that was the last time both our sets of parents visited :/ she loves videochatting with family she did get sick this past month and i think it's only been the 2nd time she's been sick since COVID happened. both times she didn't really get a fever or severe symptoms, just a prolonged runny nose (for 7-14 days). her separation anxiety peaked, especially that week that she was sick and at home. she was clingier (to me specifically), and there was also a few nights where she wailed after we put her down for bed (b/c of the separation anxiety) - but as we looked back, we think it was because she was going through a mental leap again. she is talking a lot more and seems to know more and more every day. she can sing more songs and remember things a lot more. we had a good time celebrating her birthday on an outing to brooklyn as well as manhattan. we got a nice extra day on her