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Showing posts from January, 2020

1/17/20: (Almost) 1 year PERSONAL update

Almost one year! As you know, Mya turned 11 months! After I submitted my last post, I thought of some things I may have missed. 1) I stopped breast pumping. I had already stopped breastfeeding her since 7 months when she started daycare, but I stopped pumping entirely a couple of weeks ago. I lasted almost 11 months - which I’m very proud of! This decision stemmed from just taking too much time in the morning. I already have to leave the house early (at 7) and if I have to tend to the baby   and  get ready for work, I just.. don’t want to spend that extra time in the morning sitting there attached to a machine. I’d rather spend it with my baby. I didn’t have too many feelings about it. I did do it gradually though.  Some people get really emotional (due to hormones changing b/c of the stop in breastfeeding), or they can even go through pain (like clogged ducts), but weaning caused no issues for me. I did have some light headaches for a few days, but IDK if that was rel

11 month update

Expert pincer grasp! LOVES eating peas. (Using that pincer grasp to eat peas!) Even more than bread and cereal!! :0000   Started feeding herself. I really wanted to do baby led weaning but I wasn't up for the mess and she ate all her meals at school anyway.  I started trying to get her to eat again after seeing a post that you should stop purees after 9 months and eating foods of all textures, so I just put a few things on her plate one day and she started grabbing it and eating it on her own! She used to just play with it and not put it in her mouth, but she's an expert eater now. So much easier when she's older. Eats SO much more now! She used to just have a bottle or two after getting home but now she has a tiny meal with us around 5 PM before she sleeps (in addition to those bottles). Still not crawling but always so close to getting there. She always turns to her side like she's going to crawl but doesn't. She has zero interest in moving haha FINALLY c

01/15/20: First month of working

Happy new year! I'll try doing monthly life updates! I'm definitely a lot busier now that I'm working, and our lives are really not particular interesting :P Baby is also developing slower compared to when she was an infant too but I definitely want to keep the monthly baby update posts until she's 1 (which is next month!) and then we'll see where I go from there. If you're still here, well! I'm glad you care about me (us?) and that you're keeping up! I mentioned last post that I started working again. Working life as a parent vs not as a parent is very different - I would have never guessed. Mornings going to work are rushed since I'm trying to tend to a baby AND get ready. And it's different now because I live an hour away from the office so I have to leave much earlier too. Evenings after work means leaving the office early at 4 and getting home at 5 to spend an hour with Mya before she sleeps. The first couple weeks were pretty hard on me