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Showing posts from April, 2019

4/28/19: Weekend: Military Ball & Central Park outing

Phew! What a busy weekend. Didn't do anything today (Sunday) to rest up from the past 2 days. FRIDAY (MILITARY BALL) Friday was the Military Ball, which was our first date night. Mya was SUPER constipated on Thursday night which meant that I was really tired on Friday, but alas - we were committed. On top of already being tired, it was a lot of work and stress to get ready - and I was only able to squeeze a 30 minute nap in. Future date nights will definitely be simple and chill, maybe just a quiet dinner or a movie. Regardless, it was nice to do something that was new for both of us - and to have date night with just us two too. Since it was an actual event, I had to do my hair and makeup.. and man it's hard scheduling to do that around a newborn. Mind you, I haven't straightened my hair in .. probably around 9 months, and I hadn't worn contacts or makeup since about 3 months ago when I started working from home. Had to dig up everything from storage, lol - it

4/25/19: The longest nap ever.

Just woke up from the longest nap I've gotten since baby. 45 minutes. Yup.. lol. I told ya'll before I can't sleep that well. It's considered even good for me to be able to get two 15 minutes naps in! Super tired today though. It was really hot in our room last night because the heat gets trapped in there due to the setup of our house and we have to leave the windows closed because of street noise outside. I went to bed at 9 but couldn't sleep until after baby's first feeding at 12:30 midnight or so. Woke up from 3-4 again to nurse. Woke up at 6 AM and then couldn't sleep after.. Grand total of about 4 hours of sleep. I guess I'm all caught up now with the 45 mins! @_@ Other new mama things: Plugging in the blender in my mom's room and not in the kitchen to be able to make a smoothie without waking the baby. LIFE OF MAMA.

4/25/19: New motherhood things

On being a new mom.. WHAT DIET? You can eat more because your body needs more calories to make milk. Breastfeeding hunger >>>> Pregnancy hunger. Definitely taking advantage of this. For me, it means eating 2 breakfasts before noon hits... lol GETTING A FREE PASS: Women are always right... amirite? There's no fury like a woman scorned.. but real talk, when we have to do most of the work feeding, nursing, and taking care of the baby? Fuck yeah, she's always right. Don't piss her off. And make her a damn sandwich, too.  On that note, I read an article a while ago of how women shouldn't have to ask their husbands to 'help take care of the baby' or thank them when they do. (On the real though, how often do men thank us for anything? Same vein of women saying sorry too much.) It should be a shared job and they should do their equal share. AIN'T NO BODY GOT TIME FO' DAT  Man, new moms really fall off the radar with "what's hi

4/22/19: One week without mama + all smiles!

It wasn't as bad as I thought, but I always anticipate the worst. Very proud of myself and giving myself a pat on the back for being able to do all the consoling and lulling her to sleep throughout the entire day and knowing that I CAN do it and that I am enough. But still, I literally only had time to take care of me and her. If I was a fully single mom, I would drive myself nuts trying to fit in time to clean and buy groceries.. thankfully Carlo and Carlo's parents still helped with that. This past week.. Her doc appointment was Thursday as I mentioned in the last post, and thankfully, she slept normally and didn't get a fever afterwards. The only thing is that she's only had ONE poop since then and it's been 4-5 days, which is a tad concerning, but upon some Googling, it looks like exclusively breastfed babies can go 7-10 days without taking a poop. Apparently this is normal for a baby around her age since her system can process food more efficiently, but I also

4/18/19: 2 month update pt II

Mya went to her 2 month appointment today and we found out she now weighs 11.5 pounds, which is almost two pounds from a month ago! I wonder how much longer I'll be able to hold her and rock her to sleep. I think my arm muscles have slowly acclimated (woot woot, momma strength!). She also got all her immunizations today. She did so well! Of course, she cried during her shots and a bit afterwards, but she pretty much just gonked out afterwards. Hopefully she does well tonight and doesn't catch a fever - I read some babies can be really fussy the night of or the few days after. When she does really well at something, I always want to reward her, like one usually does with food - but at this point, the only reward I can give her is physical and verbal affirmations. She smiles when I give her kisses so I think she understands. UGHH, she's so cute, I can't get over it. She has two dimples (got them from dada!) and I LOOOVE dimples. I die. She also has the longest eyelash

4/13/19: 2 month update

Mya officially hits her 2 month mark tomorrow, so here's an update on both me and her.   My lack of updates over the last few days is because she's going through a growth spurt again! She's been feeding once about every 90 minutes to two hours during the daytime, which means I'm constantly busy during that time too. Supposedly, after the 3 month mark, it should get easier because their stomach capacity gets bigger and they won't have to eat as often. Though, around that 3 month mark is also when I have to start really thinking about my plans for work T__T we shall see. Mya We got a surprise care package this week (thanks Randy & Kathy!) So much love from so many people. Beyond any packages and cards we've received, we deeply appreciate even the smallest of gestures of love and kindness from everybody, from the texts to the social media likes. Love all y'all and we really can't wait to come home to visit and have everyone meet her. On our own no

4/8/19: First REAL blow-out poop

Remember how I said her poops have gotten bigger in the week 6 update - and that I finally understood what 'blowout poop' was? Well, I didn't know what that TRULY meant until today, haha O_O I was cleaning her up as usual and after I wiped her back area, I looked at the wet wipe and it had more poop on it than I anticipated. I lifted her lower half up and I see a poop stain on the back of her shirt - except the stain on her shirt was pretty high. I put my hand on her lower back.. and lo and behold.. it was wet. Looked at my hand and there was chunks of poo on it. Oh, the joys of being a parent. Kinda crazy how poop can blow up the back !??! Like, she had THAT much poop going at such a high velocity that it went up through the diaper. Lolol.

The Empress penguin

Mya had been spitting up more than usual the last week or so, so Carlo got the GENIUS idea to have a bib on her at all times. I don't think most people start using bibs until their kid starts drooling or starting to wean off breastmilk and trying new foods (not sure though). It been a LIFESAVER though because it's a huge nuisance when you have to change the baby. She cries loudly and flails her arms everywhere and it's hard to get her arms through the sleeves.. just a nuisance for all parties all around, Mya, and the person changing her - and the fact that now at LEAST the shirt and/or the blanket now needs to be washed. It doesn't happen too often, but the few times she HAS had spit up so far, that bib has been clutch. The funny thing now is that she looks like the Emperor penguin in Happy Feet when he has the plastic ring around his neck. At least to me, lol. The hair on the front third of her scalp is much shorter than the back of her scalp and it looks kind

When your kid turns 18

I always thought it was strange and hilarious in movies and TV when the parents are so excited and ready to peace out once their kid turns 18 and is ready to move out and go to college... like, goodbye, and good riddance! You're familiar with the scene.. it'd be something like the parents dropping of their kid at their college campus, and then zooming off to a huge vacation, already dressed up in their sun-hats and Hawaiian shirts. I always thought that was messed up. Like. Don't you love your children?? Why would you be so excited to leave your kids, or for them for leave you? I get it now though. Kids are a lot of work!! It's only been less than two months, but I already know I'm going to be so happy the day I can be relieved of my day-to-day parent duties. I'm already so ecstatic when I can run across the street on my own to pick up some groceries. Just those 20 blissful moments to myself. I know for SURE me and Carlo are definitely going on a big vacatio

4/5/19: New York living

Not an update about the baby (for once) - some thoughts about NY living so far. It's crazy to think we've already been here for 9 months! Time really flies. Seems like just yesterday we were looking at apartments in the sweltering summer heat. It'll actually be warming up really quick, really soon. Not looking forward to that. OMG. East coast living is awesome. I think both me and Carlo are still blown away at how we've been able to receive this opportunity o live in New York - and we are glad that it's temporary - 3 years, the length of his assignment. Don't get me wrong, we LOVE it here.. but IDK about living here long-term. We didn't really know how cushy we Californians (specifically San Franciscans) have had it until living out here. That, and our families are back home too. Growing up really close to my family, I want the same for Mya. Back to how we came to the realization that we've been spoiled being brought up in SF.. IDK. Literally everything

4/3/19: The luxury of me-time & before the notion of conceiving

One of the biggest lessons I've learned so far about parenthood is that you learn to FULLY appreciate me-time. It's a bit different from when you become newly single (after you've dated for a period of time). That's when you find a renewed sense of independence and source(s) of internal happiness. THIS new parenthood me-time is when you really start to appreciate the little things in life that you didn't even know were a luxury before. Having a night of uninterrupted sleep**. Going out to run a quick errand without having the need to rush back. Taking a long hot shower. Being able to eat dinner and just veg out afterwards. Watching a movie in its entirety. Being able to travel freely. *(I LEGIT was SOOO tempted to go out a get a hotel for a night during one of the first weeks with Mya when we were both sleep deprived.) Parenthood is not for the weak. You really need to think about it thoroughly beforehand - the fact that you WILL be sacrificing your own life for qu