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Showing posts from May, 2023

4y3m 19m

WAOW! after 2 months of being at home with carlo doing most of the legwork in terms of day care, they finally started school again! Mya did much better than I thought. I'm always overly realistic so I always expect the worst (hey, can't be disappointed if you go in expecting it, right?) - imagined that she might cry a lot even before leaving the house and saying she doesn't want to go, fighting/crying getting in the car seat.. but none of that! The weeks leading up school, she seemed really excited (esp when we were packing the bags with supplies off their check list), just that she would be nervous. But I think the few days leading up to school she was expressing that she was sad and missed her old school ;/ the first day, she was actually fine and said that she had fun at school when we picked her up. The second day she was teary and sad :/ Wednesday was probably the worst and after that she was still a bit sad but no crying. probably just thinking about her old school an