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4y3m 19m

WAOW! after 2 months of being at home with carlo doing most of the legwork in terms of day care, they finally started school again!
Mya did much better than I thought. I'm always overly realistic so I always expect the worst (hey, can't be disappointed if you go in expecting it, right?) - imagined that she might cry a lot even before leaving the house and saying she doesn't want to go, fighting/crying getting in the car seat.. but none of that! The weeks leading up school, she seemed really excited (esp when we were packing the bags with supplies off their check list), just that she would be nervous. But I think the few days leading up to school she was expressing that she was sad and missed her old school ;/

the first day, she was actually fine and said that she had fun at school when we picked her up. The second day she was teary and sad :/ Wednesday was probably the worst and after that she was still a bit sad but no crying. probably just thinking about her old school and how she misses her friends.. and of course it's normal to want to be at home with us vs at school!

for Jackson, he did really well the first day.. no crying or anything. all week, the lead teacher just kept raving about him and i can tell he really loves him lol. she said, "we're lucky to have him!"

her drawings at school are actually starting to look like things (not just scribbles!) cool abstract shapes. she drew a rainbow slug (with a happy face and all) and even drew something that looked like a dinosaur|
recent fav: making "wrappers" with seaweed and rice
really into apples lately even when i offer her a variety of fruit
her go to funny move is doing like an ogre stance lol with shoulders up and arms up and hanging
Mya loves explaining things to Jackson and talks to him like we talk to him (want to eat eat?)
started getting into audio books and reads by herself
loves practicing cutting w/ scissors (even happened to cut my hair when i was napping one day..)
back into watching blippi
talked to my brother and laughed about her own fart after only about a handful of meetings, so impressive!!
getting more comfortable at daycare after 3 weeks and more receptive to other kids playing with her
brings bunny with her everywhere at school

loves picking up leaves from outside
calls elephants (in chinese) - bachida (it's actually dai bun jerng) lol
still loves cats and points at cats for all books. OBSESSED
always wakes up super happy and mischievous
always super hungry and voracious in the morning (cuz the boi dont eat protein for dinner!!)
the only protein that's reliable that he'll eat is dumplings and cheese sticks. otherwise he's just a carb and fruit boi.
still loves dancing
runs with such urgency. i love toddlers!
loves books! will calm down if i ask him if he wants to read (or if i offer him raisins lol)
still gets (understandably) very defensive when mya is around (MINE!!) even though mya is lately trying to help him more but he doesn't understand that it's helping
really good at using the spoon
loves oatmeal and yogurt with frozen fruit (mostly the fruit)
really good at throwing
bites when he's teething (mya never bit me).. usually I get it on my arm and thighs.. 50% of the time I get lucky and he only chomps on my sweater
loves playing with duplo blocks and balls, pulling the train toy and running all around.
loves to climb over obstacles, still loves being held
started hating bath time all of a sudden (bloody murder even as we're only taking his clothes off and not in the bath yet.. on the other hand, mya loves bath and plays in there for a long time even if she's by herself
