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Showing posts from April, 2022

6months & 3y2m

 jeez, the month flew by so fast! I usually try to take notes in my phone to keep up with milestones/happenings so i can compare them both, but it really crept up on me this time :/  JACKSON 17 lbs and 26.25 inches! 2 pounds heaver and 1.25 inches taller than mya at this age. started getting more deliberate with grabbing things and i can see him going for specific items now, whereas previously his movements were more random still a smiley/happy boi started daycare at about 5.5 months. he didn't nap that well (well, still doesn't in general) the first week but overall at least he's settling into a schedule. his lack of daytime naps usually just means better night time sleep and he consistently goes down around 6:30-7. i think he had less stranger danger than mya so he seemed to have adjusted quicker! i'm glad he gets to socialize with other babies and gets different stimulation from people other than us 3 adults wow! it seems like ages ago but we started sleep training h