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6months & 3y2m

 jeez, the month flew by so fast! I usually try to take notes in my phone to keep up with milestones/happenings so i can compare them both, but it really crept up on me this time :/

17 lbs and 26.25 inches! 2 pounds heaver and 1.25 inches taller than mya at this age.
started getting more deliberate with grabbing things and i can see him going for specific items now, whereas previously his movements were more random
still a smiley/happy boi
started daycare at about 5.5 months. he didn't nap that well (well, still doesn't in general) the first week but overall at least he's settling into a schedule. his lack of daytime naps usually just means better night time sleep and he consistently goes down around 6:30-7. i think he had less stranger danger than mya so he seemed to have adjusted quicker! i'm glad he gets to socialize with other babies and gets different stimulation from people other than us 3 adults
wow! it seems like ages ago but we started sleep training him like 10 days before he started daycare. he got the hang of it fairly quickly, and he did cry a lot like mya did the first few days, but i'm glad he (and we all!) can sleep well now. there's still times where he wakes up 1-2x a night but i think he's also having growth spurts since he eats a decent amount when i go to feed him
him and mya FINALLY had their first interaction. he always stares at her but he's never interacted WITH her before. i told mya to laugh and jackson laughed at her and they were both laughing at each other. it was the sweetest, cutest thing.
still not rolling over but sometimes rolls on his side to grab toys
started solids! no fav foods yet, seems to open his mouth for everything - lol

unfortunately hit her mouth a second time when she ran into a classmate at school! so sad it was in the same spot. thankfully she was ok
first dentist visit! our dentist office takes it slow with first visits though, with her being able to sit in the chair with me and only brushing her teeth with a regular toothbrush and not going in with the extensive tools
kind of had a potty regression or SOMETHING happening where she might be constipated/bloated and her intestines might be pushing her bladder b/c there was a few days where she claimed she kept having to pee (where i thought she had a UTI, but she didnt) and would sit on the potty for 30-40 minutes at a time just tantrumming. at this point it's been 2 weeks since we gave her constipation medicine, but she still has instances where she said she needs to pee but doesn't, so not sure what it is, but at least not as much of a concern now
got sick this month and had to stay home for 2 days. i think the last time she was sick more than 1 day was back in sept/oct. her and jackson have been like switching off sicknesses since jackson started daycare two weeks ago, lol
might have growing pains? sometimes claims her feet or leg hurts
I guess she was into blippi last month, for a consistent few weeks, but she went back to pocoyo, and then gabby now. i always try to start new shows with her but gabby seems to trump everything
still likes pretending to be a baby dog
loves helping dad when he's moving around stuff
started carrying bear bear with her in the morning and when playing sometimes
she LOVES jibber-jabbering!! it's so cute to have full-on conversations with her nowadays that can last 15-20 minutes
getting better at playing on the playground and now that it's warmer - we CAN go to the playground. she was brave enough to finally go down a tubey slide on her own with dad at the end to catch her, and now she can finally do the rock climbling apparatus! likes running up and down hills. still loves swings
was delirious during her fever earlier this month! woke up at 5 am and was adamant to carlo that she did NOT want to stay in bed and she was talking loudly/quickly. carlo said it was like she was possessed, lol. she said she saw a lizard and lion in the living room and was telling carlo about what she was seeing. so crazy!
loves getting books/toys for jackson when he's sitting in the high chair eating dinner with us
turns the tv off on her own nowadays without prompting when one episode is over! sometimes me/carlo get caught off guard cause we don't actually have anything 'planned' for her to do cuz we're usually prepping dinner or something
good about listening even if she wants to pout if she doesn't get her way.. i.e. my breast pump is out on the table in the living room and she wanted to play with them but i sternly told her it wasn't a toy and it's for mommy's machine.. she still wanted to push the limits and smiled and continued playing with it for a little but i was consistent. she did finally listening but of course with a lil pout and tear and put back my stuff where it belonged. she's so cute!!!!!
touched a goat and bunny (on her own!) she's getting more brave!

other stuff not directly related to baby:

visited cherry blossoms in DC!! though, unfortunately, mya got sick like halfway through the day without us realizing at the time, probably just as we saw the cherry blossoms at the national mall. it turned out to be SUPER cold and windy (like 40 degrees) and we hardly took any pics cuz we were pretty miserable ourselves. poor mya was prob having a fever then or something :( we ate lunch nearby and she knocked out on the high chair while we were waiting for our food and didn't eat anything. this is also when her weird urge to pee without actually peeing started (apparently it happens sometimes after a traumatic incident, maybe she was traumatized from being so miserable :()

since jackson started daycare, me and carlo had our first date day in a LONG time, prob.. about a year now since jackson's already 6 months old. so nice having just us time and having my first cocktail in lord knows how long. to sit in an intimate restaurant not worrying about 'bothering' other people or kid-friendly seating/food.. walking around aimlessly. WHAT A LIFE.

i also got some unfortunate family news that happened.. carlo has been listening to an audio book which pretty much talks about how we have limited time on earth, and doing the math, if you see your parents 2-3x a year and they're like.. 70 years old, you might have 10 years left * 3 so only 30 finite teams you'll see your parents again. we've been away for so long that we're missing a lot -- birthdays, births, weddings... it really sucks. we've been back and forth about moving back or not (lots of things to consider!) but it's really a wakeup call to possibly move back within the next year or two.. we'll see.
