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Showing posts from February, 2020

2/14/2020: Baby: 1 year!

baby girl is 1 year old! it's crazy! almost every day i look at her, i think of how big and mature she looks and can't believe that she's already a toddler and that she's going to be walking soon.. ahh.. my baby girl.. i believe she's 28 inches tall now and almost 21 pounds? grew one inch and 3 pounds since her 9 month appointment. she sure is getting heavy! she hit 50th percentile for everything - height, weight, and head. guess everything is starting to normalize now. my mom flew out for her first birthday! it wasn't anything crazy. we just had some balloons and a fake cardboard cutout of a cake (because i want to minimize her intake of processed sugar as much as possible!) and a birthday hat for a photoshoot. unfortunately, she was deathly afraid of the balloons lol but she really liked playing with the hat and fake cake. carlo was blowing up the balloons in the morning before i left for work and she cried when he put her next to one (probably because i

2/2/20: 1 year postpartum update pt2

It's Mya's 1st birthday in about 2 weeks! We don't have anything particularly special planned since we don't have friends/fam out here @_@ just gonna do something small and intimate. Can't even give her cake b/c it's not recommended to give processed sugar to kids under 2 and I don't have baking supplies or care to buy any to make a sugar-free cake! Can't believe it's almost been a full year! I was talking to Carlo about what we should do for Valentine's Day and I was like.. wait.. Mya's birthday takes precedence obviously hahha so guess we're not doing anything :P but I guess that's usually the case for most couples who have been together for a long time. I mean, yea, we'll probably actually do something but it's gonna be low-key. ANYWAY! Trying to think bigger picture about where we were a year ago and where we are now. We've come very far. All of us! I think I've documented most of it along the way. In terms o