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2/2/20: 1 year postpartum update pt2

It's Mya's 1st birthday in about 2 weeks! We don't have anything particularly special planned since we don't have friends/fam out here @_@ just gonna do something small and intimate. Can't even give her cake b/c it's not recommended to give processed sugar to kids under 2 and I don't have baking supplies or care to buy any to make a sugar-free cake!

Can't believe it's almost been a full year! I was talking to Carlo about what we should do for Valentine's Day and I was like.. wait.. Mya's birthday takes precedence obviously hahha so guess we're not doing anything :P but I guess that's usually the case for most couples who have been together for a long time. I mean, yea, we'll probably actually do something but it's gonna be low-key.

ANYWAY! Trying to think bigger picture about where we were a year ago and where we are now. We've come very far. All of us! I think I've documented most of it along the way.

In terms of my body & health:
  • I am getting ample sleep as of last month.
  • My postpartum baby hairs are still plentiful and probably take a year to fully grow out.
  • I finally have time and energy to start at least a little exercise again (OMG, it's been months) I just started stretching again and my hamstrings and lower back are so tight - and I am so weak compared to what I was able to do before in terms of ab work and squats and stuff. Lol. Slowly but surely! I'm glad to be able to get back to myself from a physical aspect.
  • Since I've stopped pumping/breastfeeding I'm also eating normal amounts again and not constantly hungry every few hours. I haven't been able to weigh myself b/c we don't have a scale, but I'm pretty sure I've lost a few pounds, or if not, I can tell my tummy is already a little smaller
  • TMI but it was just earlier this month where I was doing a light jumping workout and I didn't have the urge to pee!! I avoided jumping/running for a while b/c I would also feel like I needed to pee but it looks like I can slowly get back to that to. JUST SPITTIN REALNESS FOR Y'ALL.
As for personal life & relationship with Carlo
  • We appreciate each other so much more and I think we tell how much we love and appreciate each other every day, or at the least, multiple times a week.
  • Parent/work life is soooo busy. I was telling someone this is the busiest I've ever been. There are days where I don't read my email for days, or times where I know I should text someone or have to do something, but hold off and then eventually forget (which is strange for me b/c I have a really good memory and ability to follow up) -- example of this is I sent a package to my sister a few days before her birthday and meant to text her to let her know to expect it -- and then totally forgot.
  • On that note - our house is small and the mess starts piling on the weekdays. We both hate it but we're too lazy to pick up after ourselves as much as we'd like. We started using our dishwasher -- and you KNOW Asians don't use dishwashers!
  • One of Yelp's benefits that I've just started using are MASSAGES! They have a wellness benefit where they reimburse you up to a certain amount for self care (which includes gym memberships, massage, fitness equipment). I just had a massage for the first time in a long time and it was SO GOOD. It was also probably the top 1 or 2 massages I've had in the states. I'm definitely going to take advantage of it every month. So sore from sitting at a computer for work, lifting a 20+ lb baby and sitting on the floor to play with her.
As for the future year..
  • We're excited to see her wean off the bottle and start walking.. get all her teeth and be more interactive with play.. transition to one nap.. possible potty training! Her coming into her own.
  • Travel - still nothing in sight for the near future, we don't really care to travel until she's like 2 or 3 and can actually have memory of it.
  • Goals for myself .. I don't really set goals or resolutions, but I will say that it's been 2 month since I started working and I'm finally really getting into it. I haven't been crazy driven or inspired at work for a long time so I'm really excited about this.
  • Might start listening to audio books and got really into podcasts recently. IDK if it's just b/c I've become a parent or I've gotten out of touch with music.. but music just isn't... good anymore? Everytime I listen to music on Spotify, I tend to just keep skipping songs. Regardless, podcasts and audiobooks are more informative anyway.
  • Going back to baby - excited to have more extended outings to the city or actual activities with her!! (vs her just sitting in the stroller)
 That's all I can think of for now! =) I'm excited for the upcoming year.. we'll see how it goes and I hope to continue these updates. Thanks for sticking around!
