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Showing posts from July, 2020

17 month update

man, this year is flying by fast! and she is growing up so fast, too. learning new things every day / week, hard to keep track of her updates :) personal/work: thankfully i've gotten some relief at work (2 folks on my team now) and i'm way less stressed and can actually breathe during the workday. in terms of after the work day ends, we actually got out of riverdale (became too repetitive) and now watching the kdrama: the king, eternal monarch (or something).. 17m now 1 additional molar and the other molar poking out! definitely teething the last few days as she's been slightly grumpier and eats less food: nothing too much new & exciting but i gave her raisins and sliced almonds and i was surprised that she could actually chew & eat it! still loves her carbs and frozen fruit, not as into yogurt now. loves practicing standing and sitting on a mini stool supposed to be transitioning off bottles - she knows how to drink from a straw and getting pretty good at drinking