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Showing posts from August, 2023

4y6m, 22mo

 jackson starting to gain confidence in coming down stairs. always calls for someone to hold his hand but i try to remind him to sit and move down and he usually listens still loves books loves to go outside and walk around LOVES putting on shoes and giving other people's shoes to them loves yogurt & frozen berries doesn't eat tomatoes or grapes (maybe it's a texture thing) loves to run around, sometimes does this thing where he walks like an old man with 2 hands behind him and slightly stooped lol LOVES the garbage truck and insists to go outside when he hears the truck likes to color starting to try to jump (does the motion but unable to jump) can spin and a lot of times spins for a long time til he's super dizzy lol 'boops' carlo on command and loves to run for hugs with his arms outstretched adores the stroller. if he sees it, he insists on sitting in it by pointing still my big emotions boy loves to scream! does excited loud squeals when he sees mya'