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4y6m, 22mo

starting to gain confidence in coming down stairs. always calls for someone to hold his hand but i try to remind him to sit and move down and he usually listens
still loves books
loves to go outside and walk around
LOVES putting on shoes and giving other people's shoes to them
loves yogurt & frozen berries
doesn't eat tomatoes or grapes (maybe it's a texture thing)
loves to run around, sometimes does this thing where he walks like an old man with 2 hands behind him and slightly stooped lol
LOVES the garbage truck and insists to go outside when he hears the truck
likes to color
starting to try to jump (does the motion but unable to jump)
can spin and a lot of times spins for a long time til he's super dizzy lol
'boops' carlo on command and loves to run for hugs with his arms outstretched
adores the stroller. if he sees it, he insists on sitting in it by pointing
still my big emotions boy
loves to scream! does excited loud squeals
when he sees mya's bottle, says "mya" and then offers her the bottle
started playing peekaboo with us!
can walk down steps without holding anything now (AHH!)
forming short sentences now (i don't like it, mommy go away, not my belly!!)
whenever he sees a young asian girl he calls "mya!"
says "sorry" when mya cries or gets upset sometimes (even if he didnt cause it!) and then goes and gently pets too. UGH so cute
knows the concept of counting but doesnt know his numbers yet. kinda counts like "one, two, seven, eight, yayyyy!" while moving his hand

in her cherry tomato season
back to really liking the freeze dried fruit
takes off own diaper in the morning
telling more about her day to us
interest in painting her nails & origami
really good at cutting shapes w/ scissors now
LAUGHS out loud at the shows she watches (like, really interacting and getting the jokes and stuff now lol). back to gabby's dollhouse & blippi phase!
went to first wedding and loved being on the dance floor with daddy, except her style of dancing mostly consists of us holding her while she leans back (a lot of pulling on our end!). she did pretty well considering it was a dark/loud speakeasy reception. she was crying at the beginning but insisted that she didn't wanna leave but later warmed up after some food (so maybe she was hangry too!)
actually talked out loud when playing with the cousins for the first time (cerie & caelen!) when they came over
went to santa cruz beach boardwalk for the first time and she loved all the rides! had much more fun than we expected. thankfully jackson had fun too even though he didnt get to go on rides. I think he had a lot of fun observing and walking while he did. yay for enjoying first of summer (even though its nearing end of Aug already)
