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Showing posts from September, 2021

2y 7m

Still new milestones every month!! I think the coolest thing this month is that... I can actually have full-on conversations with her now. It's wild. Obviously her vocab is limited but we can literally have a back and forth conversation now! Some things this month: finally got her a bed and transitioned out of the pack n play lol. it was suprisingly a very easy transition. nothing different except she just woke up crying the first night, prob cuz she was disoriented. uncles visited! haven't seen them in like.. 2 years when we last visited SF? crazy that's it's been that long. that's most of her life. so cute how she says her l's like a kid.. like w's! "peanut butter and jewwy" got her an ikea dinosaur toy that she loves next to her in the car. she loves going RAWR big dinosaur. wonder when she'll get over dinosaurs! carlo always goes to free book drops and picks up new books. mya loves them! likes to fake-cry.. think she knows it gets her atten