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2y 7m

Still new milestones every month!!

I think the coolest thing this month is that... I can actually have full-on conversations with her now. It's wild. Obviously her vocab is limited but we can literally have a back and forth conversation now!

Some things this month:

  • finally got her a bed and transitioned out of the pack n play lol. it was suprisingly a very easy transition. nothing different except she just woke up crying the first night, prob cuz she was disoriented.
  • uncles visited! haven't seen them in like.. 2 years when we last visited SF? crazy that's it's been that long. that's most of her life.
  • so cute how she says her l's like a kid.. like w's! "peanut butter and jewwy"
  • got her an ikea dinosaur toy that she loves next to her in the car. she loves going RAWR big dinosaur. wonder when she'll get over dinosaurs!
  • carlo always goes to free book drops and picks up new books. mya loves them!
  • likes to fake-cry.. think she knows it gets her attention lol esp cuz i go "awwww!"
  • likes pretend play (playing with hello kitty dolls and narrating literally exactly what they're doing.. in one instance she was even like "i'm waiting for my mommy!" love seeing her mirror situations from real life in play)
  • says, "what's that sound?" when she hears something foreign
  • much more agreeable to do things (let's go to school after this book - OK!)
  • testing her limits.. always wanting more TV or not wanting to bath or more stories before bedtime
  • says, "I want to look at stuff" when she wants to go out
  • demanding - telling us she wants to look at stuff, stay in the store, yelling at us when we're at the store to walk a certain direction or that she wants us to hold something for her.. lol. def start of the threenager phase!!
  • better with self play - sometimes we just sit there while she does her own thang. she seems to like reading on her own a lot and she does that a lot at achool.

she happened to get sick again, so was sick like 2x within 3 weeks. it's hard on me because it usually means she's out at least 2-3 days on the workweek and i've also had her full time on the weekends. it was actually really overwhelming to take care of her this past week because i'm in my third trimester and i think i have a lot of things going on in my mind like all the things that i have to do, or the way things will be soon with a newborn AND a toddler.. i actually cried in front of her because i felt so overwhelmed and like... that i'm giving my all and taking care of her, but i'm not necessarily being taken care of. being a parent is really hard because you do need to put your kid first, but you need to make sure you're fulfilled too. except carlo can't really step it up right now as much as he'd want cuz he's already working long hours AND weekends.. just a rough few weeks. but thankfully almost over and he's back to normal schedule now.

we unfortunately haven't been going out for the past 3 weeks cuz of carlo's weekends! i think when it's just me and her at home, she expects to just stay at home - because she doesn't actually ask me to go out. sometimes i ask her if she wants to go on a walk or to the playground and she says "i want to stay at home." WELL, also maybe because it means she gets to watch TV.. lol
