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Showing posts from May, 2022

7 months & 3y3m

 jackson! 17 lbs, 2 oz, about 1.5 lbs heavier than mya at this age! he is keeping our hands full. might be going through a sleep regression/mental leap, but the last few days, he's been hard to put down for sleep (will cry immediately once set in bed) and requires someone to carry him for 5-10m before he actually goes down. we do see that he IS learning a lot these few days, it's very apparent - so it could be a mental leap. fingers crossed! as of now i guess you could say, he's needing some assistance when he sleeps. hopefully we don't have to do sleep training again, but at least it should be a little easier when they're a little older. unfortunately he still wakes up about 2-3x a night. i'm not quite sure if it's to nurse or out of habit, but most of the time he does eat. i'm a little worried that sleeping through the night may affect my milk supply negatively (as it did with mya) so i'm continuing to nurse in the middle of the night for now, even