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4/28/19: Weekend: Military Ball & Central Park outing

Phew! What a busy weekend. Didn't do anything today (Sunday) to rest up from the past 2 days.

Friday was the Military Ball, which was our first date night. Mya was SUPER constipated on Thursday night which meant that I was really tired on Friday, but alas - we were committed. On top of already being tired, it was a lot of work and stress to get ready - and I was only able to squeeze a 30 minute nap in. Future date nights will definitely be simple and chill, maybe just a quiet dinner or a movie. Regardless, it was nice to do something that was new for both of us - and to have date night with just us two too.

Since it was an actual event, I had to do my hair and makeup.. and man it's hard scheduling to do that around a newborn. Mind you, I haven't straightened my hair in .. probably around 9 months, and I hadn't worn contacts or makeup since about 3 months ago when I started working from home. Had to dig up everything from storage, lol - it was very stressful -_-. I had to straighten my hair like 3 hours before leaving the house just to have a cushion of time to get a short nap in.

Meanwhile, as I was getting ready, I was constantly worrying if Mya was going to need to eat. She didn't need to, but that ended up being MORE stressful because that meant I had to breastpump before I left, and I hadn't touched the machine in over a month, which meant I had to set that up too!

Since I knew I was going to be out for over 4 hours, I needed to empty out my boobs before I left (hence, pumping). BTW for all y'all that don't know - since the baby is still young, I still need to feed her within 4 hours to keep my milk supply up, otherwise, if I wait too long in between feedings, it signals for my body to make less milk.

Going out when you have a baby is definitely more work than it is relaxing. I would much rather stay in and not have to worry about anything! I read an article recently about how 'me-time' for new moms is still at the expense of ourselves because we have to make sure to have so many things in place beforehand. Ain't that the truth!

The military ball was set up really nice - like prom for the university ROTC students that Carlo works with. It said it was a formal event, but damn, I didn't know it was that formal - where people actually got their hair did and wore gowns and everything. I just had a simple, understated, long black dress - still appropriate for the event but not all did up like everyone else. I thought it was gonna be a bit more casual, but eh. It was at Douglaston Manor - so cool how New York has all these cool historic building and estates for weddings and fancy events. It was really endearing seeing them all dressed up and enjoying their event. The setting was really beautiful and the food was good too.

We left around 9:30 and got home at 10 or so, which was 5.5 hours since I last emptied out my boobs, of so course at the event, I kept checking the time and was antsy to go home near the end. Fed Mya right when I got home! But yeah. VERY tiring day with only one 30 minute nap and going to sleep at 11.. which is WAY past our usual bedtime of 9 PM or so.

Spring and cherry blossom season is ever-fleeting in New York - the weather has been a mix of sunny, cloudy and rainy the last few days, so even though we were tired, we wanted to take advantage of the rare sunny weekends that we have together to take Mya to the park, especially since she'd gotten her shots now. It's hard to schedule a time to go out with the baby so we make sure to always leave after a feeding after her diaper is dry and belly is full.
We were probably only out for about a bit over an hour before she wasn't having it anymore - started fussing and crying. Regardless, that time was enough and well worth it - we sure got tons of pictures in within the hour. She was actually awake the entire time looking around - it was our first time using the stroller outside too. Need to bring her outside more to see the world and just be in another environment rather than home.

Even though I spend literally all my waking time taking care of her and looking at her, I still couldn't get over how damn cute she looked in her outfit and in the stroller/around all the flowers. *SIGH* so freakin' cute!! With all my squealing, you woulda thought that it was like the first time I ever saw the baby.. haha.

But yeah. Even though we were only out for an hour before we had to head back - we were tired too! From the day previous and the day of. We both woke up at like 6:30 AM and also went out one time by ourselves to do a Costco run. I couldn't even really nap after we got home from the park because I think at that point, Mya was over-tired so she was extremely cranky and hard to put down to sleep.. and also still a little constipated. I couldn't nap until about 5 PM O_O.. but thankfully, we knew we had the next day (Sunday) to recover, and you best believe we did nothing at all!
