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4/25/19: New motherhood things

On being a new mom..
    • You can eat more because your body needs more calories to make milk. Breastfeeding hunger >>>> Pregnancy hunger. Definitely taking advantage of this. For me, it means eating 2 breakfasts before noon hits... lol
    • Women are always right... amirite? There's no fury like a woman scorned.. but real talk, when we have to do most of the work feeding, nursing, and taking care of the baby? Fuck yeah, she's always right. Don't piss her off. And make her a damn sandwich, too. 
      • On that note, I read an article a while ago of how women shouldn't have to ask their husbands to 'help take care of the baby' or thank them when they do. (On the real though, how often do men thank us for anything? Same vein of women saying sorry too much.) It should be a shared job and they should do their equal share.
    •  Man, new moms really fall off the radar with "what's hip" (lol). Like - new music, shows, fashion, gossip, pop culture. WE AIN'T. GOT. TIME. FO. DAT. I didn't even realize Coachella was happening last weekend until I started seeing people's Insta-stories. I didn't even know who was headlining. I didn't have any yearning to even stream any of the performances on Youtube. Music festival life seems like a lifetime ago.. haha. I didn't even realize it was the first official day of spring earlier - or when it was daylight savings time last month either
    • I also find myself being more annoyed when Carlo asks me where something is. I think it's semi-related to just.. having less of a fuse when I have to take care of a human, and barely even have time for myself.. and then needing to take care of ANOTHER perfectly capable independent human too? BARELY. GOT. TIME. FO. DAT.
    • Dude. I seriously wonder how many calories I burn just walking around the room trying to lull Mya to sleep. She's the kind of baby that needs to be walked around and held until she's 100% asleep. (There's some babies that you can just put down drowsy and they'll sleep on their own.) That's probably like at least 30-40 minutes multiple times a day that I have to do that. I don't ever have my phone on me so it doesn't track my steps or distance.. but it also doesn't take into account that I'm also holding a 11.5 (and growing!) pound weight.. O_O....
    •  I also feel like I might get some sort of mild carpal tunnel soon lol. I try to pat or rub her back when I'm holding her to help lessen her gassiness, but since she's getting heavy, my hand has to be in a weird position :/
    • Postpartum weight for me has still been the same since about 6 weeks. I don't anticipate that I will lose it soon, or at all! We'll see - again, no rush on this. And yeah, I still have barely any time to do an actual workout in between catching up on sleep and just making time for myself.
