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01/15/20: First month of working

Happy new year!

I'll try doing monthly life updates! I'm definitely a lot busier now that I'm working, and our lives are really not particular interesting :P Baby is also developing slower compared to when she was an infant too but I definitely want to keep the monthly baby update posts until she's 1 (which is next month!) and then we'll see where I go from there. If you're still here, well! I'm glad you care about me (us?) and that you're keeping up!

I mentioned last post that I started working again. Working life as a parent vs not as a parent is very different - I would have never guessed. Mornings going to work are rushed since I'm trying to tend to a baby AND get ready. And it's different now because I live an hour away from the office so I have to leave much earlier too. Evenings after work means leaving the office early at 4 and getting home at 5 to spend an hour with Mya before she sleeps.

The first couple weeks were pretty hard on me. I felt like a chicken running with its head cut off and that was really my first time adjusting to having limited time with her :( I did adapt by coming to terms with the fact that.. that's how it has to be. At least if I work. And I do want to work. So that's just how it is and I had to swallow the truth and accept it.

It was also harder because 1) I was still breastpumping in the morning which takes about 30 mins.. so now I save that 30 minutes in the morning. 2) I also found that taking the express subway saves me 15 minutes in the evening so that was extra bonus time with Mya too!

Our routine is pretty boring. Play with the baby for an hour and eat an early dinner with Carlo. Then basically shut our brains off and watch Netflix or play on our phones until about 9 and then we sleep. Thankfully I'm sleeping through the night again! When I started work I was also not sleeping well. Needed to sleep train my damn self! Haha.

Hmmm, what's happened since the last post?
The holidays! My sister came to visit but it was only for like.. literally 2 full days and 3 nights. With family though, it's like nothing ever changed even if you haven't seen them in forever. So even though it was short, it was still enough. I'm glad she got to play with Mya because she's so much better at interacting with people now! It was my sister's first real time playing with her because Mya hasn't had any quality time with our family so I thought Mya would cry or take more time to need to adjust to her but it wasn't the case at all! It was so cute seeing them get along and my sister as my baby's auntie :)

Ummm, nothing else jumping to me at the top of my head! Going to have an 11 month baby update post, so that'll cover that.
