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2y update

 can't believe she's already 2!
it's already been a year since she's seen family since that was the last time both our sets of parents visited :/ she loves videochatting with family

she did get sick this past month and i think it's only been the 2nd time she's been sick since COVID happened. both times she didn't really get a fever or severe symptoms, just a prolonged runny nose (for 7-14 days).

her separation anxiety peaked, especially that week that she was sick and at home. she was clingier (to me specifically), and there was also a few nights where she wailed after we put her down for bed (b/c of the separation anxiety) - but as we looked back, we think it was because she was going through a mental leap again.

she is talking a lot more and seems to know more and more every day. she can sing more songs and remember things a lot more.

we had a good time celebrating her birthday on an outing to brooklyn as well as manhattan. we got a nice extra day on her birthday weekend cuz of president's day and it was nice being outside too since it's been sub-30 for the last 3 weeks or so, so we hadn't really gone out in a LONG time. indoor dining also returned, so that was a treat =)

on saturday, we went to yum cha and see the ducks! she was out for a long time just playing around and dragging us around xD . it was still cold (about 32 degrees) but she's always good about keeping her hat on, and it was her first time that she actually even kept her gloves on. she had a LOOONG almost 2.5 hr nap that day lol, she definitely wore herself out having so much fun.

on sunday, we went to central park but everything was still frozen over like mad.. guess their maintenance team has a lot of ground to cover and didn't get to plow anything. we moved over to chelsea area and it took about 45m just to find parking.. thankfully as we were about to give up, we found a spot.. played at a playround for about an hour. she was super happy! then we just happened to find a really nice Italian restaurant nearby and had a DELICIOUS and beautiful pasta meal (which, of course Mya loved) and also had the best cake of our lives.. mmm. again she had a nice long nap. i'm glad we got to have a nice Manhattan indoor dining experience to kind of combine both V-Day and her birthday :)

Favs (toys)
we put her big box away but took it back out and that is still her favorite
had a good 2-3 week phase with magnatiles and picked up on it and got progressively better so quickly! she can make a pretty tall tower by herself
still loves her dolls and putting them in the magna tile houses that she builds
loves puzzles
still hates any toys that makes loud sounds
LOVES running out in the hallway and playing in the snow..
LOVES dr suess books and we specifically always read 'hop on pop' after bathtime while laying down together <3 she knows most of the phrases in the book!
just started to love chasing and throwing balls
still loves jumping on the trampoline

Favs (food)
frozen blueberries (she calls them blue-be-berries)
unfortunately doesn't go for veggies anymore but does like eating edamame beans and broccoli florets sometimes
bacon! and korean pork belly
roast chicken
dried mangoes
NOODLES and rice foeva
can now bite off pizza on her own! we were pretty surprised since it's a more chewy & dense food
still loves her sawlty crunchy snax
