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9/6/19: 6 month sleep regression (pt II)

I've promised MULTIPLE times throughout this baby/blog's life that I wouldn't post so much about sleep.. but I can't help it! THIS IS MY PLACE TO VENT.

The 6 month sleep regression is KILLING me. Apparently it usually lasts a week or two. It looks like it's been 4 nights so I'm about 30% through it? It's good to know it's temporary.

Her sleep regression was coupled with a fever too - her first non-immunization induced fever! So she was also up extra because she was feeling terrible. :( Thankfully her fever has passed and I think now her wake-ups are solely because of hunger.

But it's fucking NUTS that her development and growth have been visible. Her face looks bigger, she seems already a bit heavier, and her sitting, talking, and coordination skills have improved significantly these few days :0

Carlo is coming back at such a great time - when she's actually interacting better. Before, I would have to literally put on a show for 6-8 hours for her and play with her toys for her. Now she's actually grabbing things on her own and I swear she'll play with the same toy over and over for 20-30 minutes, and I feel bad like.. are you bored? She seems to be having a blast though.

Since Carlo hasn't seen the baby in almost 3 months, he's going to be super excited to help out for the night feeds. I WILL FREAKING NEED IT. Especially when we're back in New York and I don't have my mom's help. Right now she usually helps with 1 or 2 of the night wakings and it helps a lot, even if I can't go back to sleep, at least I don't have to physically be up. I also want to mention that I did end up having to supplement with formula, pretty sure just my breast milk is not cutting it anymore - the good thing about this is that now Carlo can definitely help more with feeding and it doesn't have to always be me.

Mya instantly took really well to formula. A lot of exclusively breastfed babies will refuse formula in the beginning because they aren't used to the taste or experience of being fed a bottle (vs the boob) - but of course, Mya has eaten EVERYTHING we've given her and she had no problem at all. My lil healthy eater! If I stopped breastfeeding instantly, I'm sure she wouldn't care at all. I've heard/read of stories where baby will refuse a bottle for over half a day just because they want mommy.

Anyway! I am off again now. Going to wake Mya up now, I let her sleep in the last few days because she had a fever but trying to get her back on track with a schedule now even though we have 3 days here left so at least her days are a bit more predictable!
