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9/30/19: Feeling like myself again

Wooo! Good news y'all. I'm feeling more like myself again these days. I am now anxiety-free, which means I can actually sleep through (most) of the night again. I think it's been 3 weeks. Some of it was alleviated after seeing her love daycare SO MUCH but the root of most of my anxiety was her night sleep and just trying to figure her out.

Having Carlo here I think helped ease all of that.. My mom certainly helped me out a ton when I was back home, but at the end of the day, Mya isn't her child and of course, I couldn't expect her to take her on fully, so I put all of the responsibility on myself. Now that Carlo is here, it's shared and it's so much easier. A lot less tiring and taxing - physically and mentally.

SERIOUSLY though. I was just thinking the other day - once you have a baby.. expect not to have a 'chill weekend' for a good few years. Those days where you cherish a day to sleep in? DOESN'T EXIST ANYMORE. Every day is go go go.

Thankfully I still haven't started work yet so my weekdays feel more like weekends, lol. But now that I'm mostly getting ample sleep, I'm excited to not be a potato anymore....


I wake up at 5:30 to pump milk for the baby and then prep breakfast for myself before she wakes up.
Play with her after she wakes up and whatnot until about 8, drop her off at daycare, and then get back around 8:30.

So between 8:30 AM to 4 PM (when I pick her up):
The main things I do is prep lunch for myself, dinner for later, and then doing a sink full of dishes.
I still check my work emails and sometimes I'll have an hour or two of work.
A part of the day either goes to cleaning or prepping solid foods for the baby.
And then two times in the day I have to make time to breastpump.
I still try to get a nap in (even if I don't fall asleep) for an hour or two.

It still surprisingly flies by for some reason and I haven't gotten 'bored' yet. I could probably do this housewife life, but I do want to get my own life outside of the house and baby.. it'll be interesting though trying to juggle work again because I haven't worked in over 7 months??

Especially when weekends seem more busy than weekdays - since "fun" is prioritized on the weekend, it means the house goes through a hurricane and you don't really have time to rest or nap on the weekends - weekdays are like my time to recover even..

But yeah, at least I have energy nowadays now that I'm getting better sleep! I'm meeting up with my boss later this week to talk about what the plan is for me to go back to work, so we'll see how that goes!
