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9/1/19: Growing pains

Man, everything about taking care of a baby IS SO EMOTIONAL.

Now that she's 6 months, she NEEDS more calories from solid food and not breastmilk. Though, I felt a bit emotional about that earlier this week (literally agonizing over this) because I thought for a bit that maybe it's MY milk supply that's dwindling and that it's my fault that she's hungry, but really, this is just the age where she's growing and needs more nutrition from outside sources simply because she's getting bigger. BAHHH. I couldn't help but feel a bit sad about it.

But yeah, again, this is all tied back to night sleep!
After her horrible tummy troubles and bad night sleep, I dialed back on giving her solids to be extra cautious. But then she ended up waking up in the middle of the night because of hunger. Or, who knows for sure, since she can't talk, but I had a gut feeling that it was hunger-related because my pediatrician did say that she did gain weight slower. After I went in to feed her, she slept peacefully.

Now that I am feeding her more solids and she seems fuller in the middle of the day, I think she may have some separation anxiety at night? This is the age where that develops. I KNOW she knows how to sleep independently but she's started crying out 1-2 times in the middle of the night. IDK.. could be starting bad habits because we went in a lot last week because of her tummy issues and maybe she expects us to go in now too. Either way, I think hearing her cry so much at night has really broken me down and I can't help but go in (of course I still wait 15-20 minutes before going in).

Yesterday night though, she didn't quite cry. She was literally just calling out. I went in to nurse her anyway and she fell asleep after. That girl! It's so sad. Whenever I go in to nurse her at night she seems to clutch onto my finger really hard and just looks at me. She actually does that a lot more often now when I'm feeding her in general. It's adorable. She knows how to pull my heart strings :(
