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10 month update

10 months!
Just continuing to hone in on her same skills - and still not crawling yet! We did have her evaluated by two PTs since our daycare provider was concerned about the lack of crawling - thankfully, they didn't seem concerned yet since she's hitting all the other milestones.. and she's not necessarily 'behind' on it yet. They said she's very smart and just seems like a chill baby that doesn't have much interest in moving around (which is what I always thought!)

Favorite word for a good week or two was: 'A'.
Now starting to say "hi" band I think she might know what it means!
Laughs even more. Sometimes she just seems to laugh to make us laugh lol. She started squinching her entire face sometimes when smiling and it's super cute!
Cries when we take toys from her hands
Started clapping!
Started playing around with the water during bathtime
Still likes supported standing - can stand for up to a minute or two without us holding her if she leans against a wall!
Still no pincer grasp yet but I see her trying!
Started container play (taking things out of a box and figuring out how a box works)
Started copying us.. I hummed a short tune and she actually hummed it back to me!!
