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8/15/19: 6 month update

Whoa dere.. lack of updates again! I think because I have been so exhausted and really, not too many exciting things have happened from now and the last 10 days or so. Still having short naps and PRAYING it's just a small temporary setback.

6 month baby update!
25 inches long, 14 lbs and 11.5 oz

She turned 6 months yesterday and also had her 6 month check-up. IT WAS TERRIBLE. She's been good about doc visits in the past and wouldn't cry except for her shots, but I guess the 6 month stranger danger / stranger anxiety is real. She cried - REALLY hard - from the time when the nurse came in to weigh her and even when it was just us two in the room, she was still sniffling and catching her breath, and her eyes were so red :(

She gained an inch and only about 1.5oz from the last check-up. The doctor was a bit concerned b/c her pace of growth slowed down a bit. The doctor says it could be genetics kicking in - and she might be smaller since I'm smaller. I think it could also be attributed to maybe me sleep training her since she doesn't get her night feedings anymore? Either way, she still has her rolls and chubby cheeks, so I don't think it's a big thing of concern.

The one thing about having sleep trained her now is that I don't get to hold her and rock her to sleep anymore. I really miss watching her doze off to sleep and looking so peaceful. Her long eyelashes and her closed eyes and the small expressions she makes when she's asleep. WAHH.. and her warmth and reclined position. Aww, I'm tearing up just thinking about it now. Except now that she is heavier and older, I can't rock her for hours like I used to when she was a newborn! OMG I spent soooo many hours lulling her to sleep when she was in the newborn phase. Tiring but at the same time, so much quality time and bonding with her back in those days.

Some other things.. 5 to 6 month is a time of a big mental leap and I can tell she's so much smarter and coordinated now - and not only that, she's looking more and more mature like a tiny human and not an alien baby anymore!

Updates from last month and new happenings with her!
  • Seems to eat more now. Not sure if she went through a growth spurt or if I'm not producing enough milk (hence the slower weight gain - doc recommended I start pumping to increase my supply to see if it helps)
  • Started babbling (only sometimes!)
  • Started making spit bubbles
  • Looks for me when I walk out of the room (like when I go to the bathroom or get water or something). When I walk back into the room, she's always looking in the direction that I left 
  • Sticks out her tongue when she's happy
  • Still loves kissy noises or when I click my tongue
  • Still LOVES looking outside the window
  • Whines when she doesn't like being in a certain position or isn't having fun when I'm doing something with her
  • Can sit up (assisted) for a long period of time 
  • Still can't roll from back to belly, but getting close
  • Started grabbing her feet
  • Started solids! She seems to love eating and has eaten everything I've given her so far, whether it be from my finger or from a spoon. So far, she's tried carrots, blueberries, and banana. Funny thing is I saw the fiber in her poop literally the day after.
  • Started kicking her feet at bathtime! She definitely doesn't hate it anymore. She sits really still at bathtime now too.
  • Hand grasp got better significantly over the course of the month!
  • Loves grabbing my finger when she's nursing. IT'S THE CUTEST THING. My favorite is when she's kind of just gently caressing my hand.. ahhh.. so soft
  • Favorite toys are the ones that make crinkly or flapping sounds
  • Started laughing more when playing! Still a tough crowd though
  • Stares at new people and things
