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08/05/19: Day in the life of: 5 month old

Wow! I've neglected this for almost 2 weeks.

Life hasn't been too exciting and my life still revolves closely monitoring her naps and watching the baby monitor haha - so that's why I haven't updated much since I said I wouldn't talk anymore about sleep training. WELP. I can't help it, it really consumes my life.

Her nighttime sleep overall is really good, Her naps have been really short though and she only takes 1.5-2 hours of naps for the entire day.. for her age, the average should be more around 3 hours :/ Her first nap used to almost always be 2 hours, but not anymore!! Now I just get three half hour naps throughout the day. There's nothing I can do much to help her with that except leave her in her crib for a while longer when she wakes up to kind of signal to her that she should still be sleeping. But she never goes back to sleep. Guess she's just a party baby! Too excited for the world. I'm actually a horrible napper too, maybe she got that from me. At least she's usually energetic and smiling when I get her from her naps.

Anyway - one question I usually get when I hang out with people is.. WHAT DO I DO ALL DAY NOW? I actually do have a more predictable schedule now, especially since Mya's schedule is more predictable (their schedule gets more consistent around the 6 month mark).

I wake up at around 6 or so to get ready for the day before the baby wakes. She usually gets up at 7. Essentially she gets 3 naps a day, once after every two hours. Which means I have to entertain the baby for 8 hours in a day, total. It's roughly the same every day.. At its worst, it's like a weird horror movie where you keep waking up to the same day and doing the same things over and over. OF COURSE, I don't feel like this all the time, but it does get very tiring.

I go outside for one walk a day, about 45-an hour and it helps break up the day and lighten the mood.

Since she struggles with her naps, that's where I get negative because I'm either watching her struggle or cry :/ and I KNOW she needs and wants the sleep but still ends up waking up so quickly. In between her SHORT naps, I'm usually trying to get a light workout in, sitting around, browsing the internet, or prepping my next meal.

She goes to bed around 5:30 PM. I usually eat, chill for a bit, and then relax/stretch and start heading to bed around 8:30 or so.. and I probably don't fall asleep til 9:30-10:00 because I sleep outside on the couch and not in the bedroom since it's too distracting for me to sleep in the same room with her because I can hear her moving and breathing and I'm too hyperalert. My mom usually stays up til like 11 PM too so I can hear her doing stuff but at least lying down and turning off is nice and relaxing, even if I don't get to fully sleep until then.

It's tiring playing all day with a baby so I have to go to bed early! And I have to wake up early and alert, can't be like "real" work where you can drag your feet in the morning and get coffee and slowly wake up. I can't even drink coffee because I'm nursing! Was just talking to another mom about this.. I don't even drink coffee but I miss at least the OPTION of getting like a nice, ice cold, caffeinated beverage every once in a while. Vietnamese iced coffee.. LE SIGH!
