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8/27/19: Adventure(?) of feeding solids to bb

Oh man! I can't believe it's been almost 2 weeks without an update.

The last 2 days have been HELL. Little did I know, it was because of my own doing because of feeding baby too many solids too soon. Her stomach was wreaking havoc and her night sleep was REALLY bad. Like, same as first night of sleep training bad.

Her sleep last week got bad too. The week prior to that, she was doing amazing. I was wondering what was going on, thinking it might have been a 6 month regression or separation anxiety or something but glad we narrowed it down to the food. ERGH. Was in a bad place again - obviously when you are lacking sleep and your baby is crying bloody murder, no one can be in a good mood :((( So sad to know that I was the one that caused her this pain too. SO SAD.... definitely learning the hard way and learning every step we go.

Yesterday was a only 1 nap day and I spent literally all day watching the baby monitor and watching her cry trying to sleep, knowing that she was tired. She ended up having a tiny baby pellet poop (a tell-tale sign of constipation and not enough liquid to wash down the food) and so I gave her water and she had another softer stool pass later in the day. She still didn't want to nap though, probably because she still felt like crap and I ended up giving her an emergency nap with her on my boob and she slept for an hour. Thankfully she slept through the night last night, now that her stomach isn't bothering her. Hopefully the road back to good sleep continues, fingers crossed.

Onto better news about solids!

Baby's appetite has been pretty big. I can tell after my milk feeds that she's still a little hungry. So much so that I was scared that it would affect my milk supply. If baby nurses less, than I'll make less milk. Thankfully with the last few days of me tending to her and nursing her extra, I think my milk supply might have gone up.. and now that we know the right way to deal with the food, definitely gonna start her off with smaller meals until her stomach gets used to eating solids. I mean, it makes sense. Going from an all liquid diet to one with solids will take some adjusting. Mommy didn't know any better! I'm so sorry, Mya.

All of the guidelines had said, feed baby until she doesn't want food anymore! Mya is a little monster and seriously just keeps wanting to eat, so we fed her a lot. Eek. Girl, we gots to slow you down. lol.

Otherwise, feeding solids to baby has been really fun. It's really cute watching her eat, she's exactly like a little old lady because she doesn't have teeth yet. She also makes the funniest noises. Sometimes she's talkative, sometimes she'll scream for more food. She opens her mouth pretty wide whenever we put the spoon near her too. So far, it seems like she really likes blueberries and sweet potatoes. (Little did we know, those damn sweet potatoes probably made her really gassy later!! Just need to give her less in the future..)

We don't have a high chair here because at this point, we're moving back in less than 2 weeks and didn't want to buy one, but I'm really excited for Carlo to see and feed her too and for her to start baby lead weaning so she can start feeding food to herself! Our little girl is growing so fast. I'm not excited for the larger poops which are to come though.
