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06/29/19: Attack of the poopy monster

New mom things:
Walking with your baby in the carrier for 90 minutes, just praying that they get an inkling of sleep.

When you're a parent, you'll do ANYTHING to get your baby to sleep. Especially on the days they're hysterical.

The carrier is one of the sure-fire ways that Mya calms down and is able to sleep (even if it takes her a while sometimes, because she's so curious and likes looking around. She is heavy and nearing 16 pounds, but I didn't care, just wanted to make sure she got a wink of sleep. It took her about an hour to fall asleep and then she only got about 25 minutes after that. Eh. Better than nothing.

The night before and yesterday were hell.

The night before, I tried getting Mya to sleep pretty much for 4 hours. I tried putting her in her crib four times before I gave up. It was 1:30 AM and I was like.. FUCK IT, YOU'RE COMING TO BED WITH ME. I don't like to start bad habits, but it was BAD. Most of the time, I'm not physically tired, but man, does a baby take a mental toll on you. It's fucking mind games. I ended up nursing her to sleep while she laid on my right arm.. which ended up being numb. I slept in an uncomfortable position but at least both of us ended up getting sleep. That night, she only got about 4 hours on me, and then 3 hours after in her crib, so a total of 7 hours. Lacking for a baby her age (usually they need 10 hours).

That day, I figured she'd nap better since she was lacking sleep and she only had a short 25 minute nap in the morning. Babies her age need to nap every 2-3 hours, at about an hour a time - it was 3:30 PM and she was WAY overdue for her nap. I actually had tried putting her down for 2 hours already but, just like the night before, every time I put her in the crib, she would get awake and cry. Again, I said, FUCK IT. Strapped on the carrier and that's when I went on the long walk.

Later that night, when we were playing with her, we heard a long, bubbly fart. A POOP. She hadn't pooped in a week, and that was my "A-ha" moment. THAT'S WHY SHE COULDN'T SLEEP THESE LAST 36 HOURS. She had been backed up that whole time.

There's only been a few incidences that she's been extremely hard to put down to sleep and it's always attributed to gas/constipation/poop.

Best believe, I re-ordered some more baby probiotics after we finished cleaning her up.

She was back to her normal sleeping self/habits after that. I mean, still not the easiest to put down, but at least it wasn't impossible. PHEW.

Thank God. For both of us.
