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6/2/19: Sleep training (3-4 months)

Earlier this month, I thought she was going through sleep regression because she was acting like a newborn again, waking up every 2-3 hours crying. Thankfully, I think we narrowed that down to constipation, because that only happened for 2 days and she was back to sleeping 4+ hour stretches again after a HUGE poop. Thank god.

Because of that though, I started reading on sleep training. I already heard that you can't start sleep training until 4 months old because babies don't have the ability to self-soothe themselves to sleep before then.

I was reading on 3.5-4 month sleep regression and most sleep regressions only occur because their brains are developing or they've learned a new skill. At the 3 month mark, most babies tend to have inconsistent sleep just because they are going through so much at this time with being able to see further (and hence staying awake longer than they should because they're so excited just to look around) and so the overtiredness from the daytime makes for worse nighttime sleep. Usually the 4 month sleep regression kicks in when they learn to roll around because they're also trying to practice that at bedtime, so they can't sleep.

I THOUGHT this was what was happening (as I mentioned) but I'm pretty sure she hasn't hit sleep regression yet since she can't roll over yet. AT ALL. I'll lay her on her side and she just stays there lol and doesn't try to roll in the slightest.

It was still helpful to read about sleep though. Now I've learned that:
At this point, her wake times should be 75-120 minutes. They need to go back to nap sometime before then, otherwise, they'll get overtired and cranky.
Daytime sleeps and naps should total about 3-4 hours.
Nighttime sleep should be about 11-12 hours.

The most important thing I got out of it was essentially just making sure I get her to nap every 2 hours or so, even if she still might look awake - just getting her to wind down and ready for a nap so she doesn't get crazy later. She gets delirious when she's overtired because she's too stimulated and is even more difficult to put down because she gets super cranky! Now her actions have more logic behind them and she is definitely happier with more naps.

For now though, I don't quite consider that sleep training since she's not learning to self soothe yet.. I think next month is when I want to try to her to sleep on her own, minimizing the work I have to put in to rock her and whatnot, especially since she is getting heavy at 14+ pounds! This is when most folks have to deal with the baby crying it out and training them to go to sleep on their own.. I'm pretty sure Mya is gonna be a big crier and difficult to put down!
