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7/09/19: Updates on me! (5 months postpartum)

About to be 5 months postpartum next week!
Pretty sure postpartum hair loss has hit me. I swear I'll find random strands of hair everywhere and the shower drain has more hair buildup than usual.

Have more time to actually post now so here's an update on me.

The last 4 weeks have been a whirlwind! I have had zero time to myself, with packing up our apartment, flying back to SF, traveling to Canada, making sure to get as much time in with Carlo as possible, and then finally being able to settle into a routine with the baby and getting used to taking care of her on my own for most of the week, then dealing with the 4 month sleep regression that I didn't know was coming at all!

I already read up a bit more about about future baby sleep regressions or developments now that I have dealt with my new first one - in an effort to be more proactive versus reactive so it doesn't hit me blindsided.. O_O. Next one should be at around 6 months - haha, so I have about a month to 'chill' I guess.. whenever you think you have a routine down with a baby, it ALWAYS changes.

Anyhow.. the last month. Definitely been a blur. Like I said, no time to myself. Now that I have a schedule that I can follow in the day, I can prepare and eat my meals at a set time (LIKE A FREAKIN NORMAL PERSON) and then I've started scheduling hang-outs with people- specifically more at dinner time since she's gonna be sleeping throughout the night now (YAY!)

Like I've mentioned in my other post though. Now that I have free time.. I don't even know what to do with it? I haven't opened up Netflix or Youtube in literally MONTHS but I guess I can catch up on everything now! I spent yesterday (while monitoring the baby who I didn't end up having to check up on) catching up on all my blogs and articles I've saved.. some of them backlogged for the last 2 months simply because I've been too tired to read.

I haven't been able to sleep lately, maybe it's out of anxiousness with the baby's sleep - or it could be the hormonal changes that causes the postpartum hair loss. Hair loss signifies hormonal changes in the body.

In other news, my entire family went to Disneyworld without me (NO, I SWEAR I'M NOT SAD HAHA I'M NOT TRYING TO TRAVEL WITH A BABY..) - I was a bit stressed about this last week knowing how difficult Mya was with her naps and sleeps and me not having time to do ANYTHING but hold her all day and night.. but - now that she is mostly sleep trained, it's SO much easier and I'm not stressed about being on my own at all. PHEW!

The goal is ALWAYS to get back into shape! Obviously, I have had ZERO time to exercise, though I try to go walk with the baby once every 2 days, at least. (She's a 15 lb weight so that's a nice mini-workout when I go on walks). It's cooler here now in SF too so I can work out at home and not have it be like New York where you sweat bullets just doing nothing (UGH - working out in hot weather is the freakin' worst).

ALSO! To try to catch up with people now that she's sleep trained. YAY!! And not having to worry about if my mom is stressed out or if baby is being difficult while I'm gone. I caught up with a friend last week for dinner and I was low-key anxious the whole time getting back just kind of knowing that it would be a horrible night once I stepped back into the house. It's a terrible feeling.

I am glad I tried sleep training and it works. DEFINITELY AN ADVOCATE.
