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07/12/19: In hindsight: Things I would have done differently

About to hit the 5 month mark! Already have started thinking about baby #2 and things we would have done differently. If you asked me a week ago about having another baby, I would say, HELL NO! Having one baby is a fuck-ton of work. If Mya's sleep continued to be like that, I would have not been able to deal. And I can't imagine dealing with that TWICE. Which relates back to the title of this post. Things I would have done differently knowing what I know now.
  1. Before the 4 month mark when they start getting sleep cycles, I would have went out on a lot more outings, because baby can sleep on the fly wherever and whenever.
  2. Semi-related to the above - - I should have went outside more during the first month of postpartum. A LOT more. To get fresh air, to get some light exercise, and just for the baby to be outside, just to be in a different environment than home. Because you really are there 24/7, it's nice to even just get some sunshine and feel the wind on your face.
  3. I should have read baby sleep books before the baby came out! Then I could have fostered some better sleeping habits. (But honestly, this regret isn't TOO big of a regret, because sleep training isn't as hard as I thought it would be.. baby is only so small this once, so cuddle with them as much as you can before they don't want to cuddle with you anymore!)
  4. I would have purchased or rented the SNOO. (You can Google more about that - this is also related to sleep).
Obviously with baby #2, we will act differently after now having experience of having one child, and you can't help that. Those are the main things I would have done differently though.

SOOO.. baby #2??
I'm open again to the idea now. Haha. We'll see. Babies just get to be more work after this age, but it would be nice for Mya to have a sibling, especially because both me and Carlo grew up with siblings.
