Last Sunday was Mya's red egg! It was a pretty hectic day, but overall, it went really well. I had envisioned that she would be crying and at least would need to be held for a good hour for the event, but she surprised me and actually only cried once when she was hungry. She was pretty cool meeting new people and even being held by some of them :) Got there early as anticipated. She actually woke up early that day and the way I calculated, she would have napped the 45 minute car ride and then be ready to partay by the time we got to the restaurant. Of course, in typical baby fashion, you can't EVER expect anything to turn out the way you expect. She ended up being awake for the entire car ride, and then falling asleep about 5 minutes before we parked. So I ended up sitting with her for about 45 minutes just keeping an eye out, while my mom and Carlo set up for the event. People started rolling in, but she was still sleeping so I asked my mom to watch her instead. I wanted her t...