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Das some bull.

I feel sad/angry/confused when I see article titles like this. People being praised for being themselves and for being real.. what does it mean when 'reality' has been a facade this whole time.

It's crazy how society holds people (especially women) to a certain standard.

You have to look THIS way. Why are you sad? You should just be happy. You should have a partner and be married at a this age. And have children. And also own a house and be thinking about having another kid already. But don't always stay at home and make sure you work out and hang out with friends at least a few times a week. Also, make sure you get enough sleep even though all the demands that society puts on you doesn't physically allow it.

Just let us LIVE. Everyone already has enough shit to deal with on a daily basis.

And to be happy? That's a whole 'nother level.
