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5/21/19: 3 month update: pt II (the enchanted months!)

Wow! I remember reading that after the 3 month mark is the beginning of the enchanted months, and so far, it seems to be true.

I thought the first few nights of her sleeping through the night or only having one night feeding was a fluke, but it's been pretty consistent in this past week. SO NICE. I still do wake up 1-2 times even if she's not up simply because I get really hot on my chest / my boobs getting full from milk. So I still have to relieve some of the milk and it's nice just get up to cool off. But it's nice because it's me voluntarily getting up instead of being forced up, and I'm only up for 10-15 mins vs 30-90 minutes - easier to go back to sleep. It's crazy that her sleeping throughout the night started IMMEDIATELY once she turned 3 months old. Crazy.

In addition to that, it's nice that when she does wake up from sleeping, that she doesn't need food (aka me) immediately. Sometimes she's just up because she's up and I can just talk to her, walk around with her, or put her on the playmat for 20-30 minutes before she needs to eat.

All in all, still very tiring though haha. Even though she does sleep through the night, it's still a lot of work because it means she's awake for longer in the day! She's awake for longer stretches and needs to be entertained more. Thankfully, my afternoon naps are not really necessary for myself anymore since I mostly get enough sleep now, but I'll lie down just to close my eyes and have a break sometimes when she naps.

It's kind of cool seeing her develop so much in just this past week. I would say she's starting to gain a personality now. She definitely has preferences, and not just immediate needs of eat + sleep + diaper change. I'll save up all that info in a consolidated 4 month update though! So exciting! :)

Also! We just went to her 3 month doctor's appointment and she got her second round of immunizations. 3 shots this time. She knocked out immediately and she's been sleeping for about a 3 hour stint (and counting!) which is WAY longer than usual.. I did just Google that it's pretty common for babies to sleep more after vaccines. I thought about the last time she got her shots, when Carlo's parents were here, and she was actually sleeping a lot for 2-3 days after!! I didn't realize it was the shots, but I guess it's a thing. I just woke up from a 45 minute nap and it felt HEAVENLY.
