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5/1/19: 2.5 month update (on me)

Holy shit, y'all, it's already May. How the hell do people get back to work after 6 weeks?
Physically it's still been exhausting, though I guess if I DID have to put Mya in daycare, I would have more energy, but the night feedings would still be a biatch.

America really needs to rethink maternity leave. I think realistically, a woman needs at least 3-4 months to get back on track and to fully bond with the baby.

I have been thinking about post-maternity leave plans and if I'm going back to work "part-time" and whatnot.. "part-time work" has been an odd concept. If you work part-time, are you then also a part-time mom? Isn't there only a limited number of hours in a day? Being a mom is a full-time job NO MATTER WHAT. But yeah. I still don't really know what I'm gonna do yet and the time is creeping up to where I really need to hone down a plan and talk to my boss.

Going back to how a woman needs at least 3-4 months to get back on track. Month 2 has been significantly easier than month 1 for sure, and month 3 is supposed to be even easier.. we'll see. As of now (almost month 3), I feel like there's STARTING to be a more consistent sleeping, waking and eating schedule but it's not any less hectic. I still barely have time for myself. And apparently when she hits month 3 is another growth spurt, and she had a cluster feeding night earlier this week. OMG it was killer. I'm also sad because if she's having a growth spurt.. it means she's growing more?? T___T Seriously growing too fast! But somehow, she gets cuter and cuter. It's mostly because she can interact with us more instead of just being a derpy blob.

But yeah. Barely any time for myself in month 3. I seriously don't know where my day goes. In between feedings and interacting with her, it's usually maybe 1-2 hours on the computer. I don't have time to watch shows or Youtube - though technically, this would be possible if I watched videos when I nurse her. The time I spend nursing her (probably a total of 2-3 hours a day) is usually me on Facebook, Instagram and reading blogs. So if you ever message me on social media, I probably respond pretty quickly. Lol. I can't focus on any videos though because she gets fussy when she eats.

ON NETFLIX! I haven't touched the TV in what seems like MONTHS.. though realistically, it's probably more like just MONTH (singular). I only turned it on for Beyonce's Homecoming, because, duh, BEYONCE. Had to. I think her special is only 1.5-2 hours and it took me like 3 days to finish because it would get interrupted by the baby needing something. Her Coachella show was FIRE. It really demands ALL of your attention - I tried even just stretching and watching and I couldn't focus hahah. She had a segment in her show that talked about motherhood and how she struggled to get back to herself, or like.. pre-pregnancy weight. UGH, I hate society and the pressures on a woman to always look slim and beautiful. It's bullshit.

OK back to myself.
  • Still no set schedule.
  • Still barely time to exercise.
  • Weight is still the same.
  • Overall, I've been doing pretty well. I get fairly ample sleep when my two naps a day (usually totally 45-60 mins).
  • I'm really looking forward to month 3 when the baby's stomach capacity gets bigger and I get one more hour in between feedings (her feeding every 3-4 hours, instead of every 2-3 hours). It's going to make such a big difference!
  • SHOPPING! Oh man, I feel so bad for Carlo - I placed SOOOO many orders this past month. Over half of it went to returns, but the stuff I did keep, I'm super happy about! Definitely needed a huge upgrade to.. everything. Lol.
    • Got 2 pairs of COMFORTABLE and cute heels since I didn't have any 'going out' shoes anymore
    • Got a pair of Cole Haan oxford sneakers for casual days
    • A pair of Sperry's for dressier casual days
    • Some cuter "home clothes" to replace my ugly large t-shirts that I've been wearing for 2-3 years (Carlo was most excited for this..)
    • Some other tops/pants to add to my new wardrobe. Super into high-waisted tie pants after pregnancy.. I honestly don't know if I can ever go back to jeans, haha - not that my jeans even fit me properly right now! I'm still about 0.5-1 size away from pre-pregnancy weight and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to lose it until I stop breastfeeding. 
Oooh. One more thing. We're flying back home in June but we also have 3 days in Canada for a friend's wedding. Not bringing the baby there because it's too much work and hassle (for both us and the baby) so the plan is to leave Mya at home for my mom to take care of. HOWEVER, I still want Mya to be exclusively eating breastmilk, so I have to calculate how much breastmilk I need to have saved up before going home - about 100 ounces, which is quite a lot. I'm currently about halfway there, so I should be good by the time we need to head back.
I ALSO had to think about how to bring the milk back. It is possible to fly with breastmilk since it's excluded from the TSA liquids rule, but it seems to much of a hassle to dry to lug an extra case of milk + dry ice and whatnot, so I'm going to have to look into shipping options.

GOSH, forreals - the life of a mom. Traveling is definitely very different as a mom and as a parent. Not even just thinking about shipping and saving breastmilk -- even when I'm on "vacation" in Canada without Mya, it means I still have to breastpump to make sure I keep my milk supply up so I'm going to have to carve out time for that. FUN STUFF.

Yerr. Those are the things I've dealt with this past month!
