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3/28/19: 6 week update

MENTAL LEAP (4.5-5.5 weeks)
Our baby went through her first mental leap where she can start seeing shadows and contrasts. She's starting to look like she actually SEES us and is actually trying to listen when we talk to her. She's starting to look at the hanging toys on her play gym too, aka be able to keep herself entertained by herself sometimes (which is super nice, lol). It's nice to see her taking in the world. That's the main change so far, besides the fact that she's gotten HUGE within the last week or so. Like, significantly longer in the body, and bigger/rounder in the head circumference. Getting a lot harder to maneuver!

Her poops have also gotten HUGE! Since she's solely eating breastmilk, she doesn't have solid poop like we do, it's more like.. brown soft serve.. lol, sorry for the visual xD. She used to pretty much have yellowy, liquidy poop at EVERY diaper change, but now she only poops 1-3x a day. But when it DOES happen, it literally FILLS the whole diaper and you can't even fold it because poop will spill out. I heard of the term 'blowout poop' before, but didn't really know what that meant until now. Carlo was holding her one night when she pooped and it spilled out the diaper and ran down his arm a bit.. lol.. gross. Need to make sure her diaper is secure nowadays!

All in all, I continue to be in awe of how much she's growing!! I constantly look at my camera roll to compare her size throughout these last 6 weeks. Her head was so small and round when she first came out. Her legs looked so skinny and useless  before, but now her thighs look like cute li'l chicken drumsticks. She's almost graduated from her first set of clothing which are the kimono tops we got from the hospital. The tummy area always rides up and the buttons look like they're about to burst, lol. We put her in the same onesie that we took her 1 week pictures in, and she actually fully fits that now, even though the label says 0-3 months, though I guess it could be like a small month baby). I looked at the size chart for her timeframe and she falls in the average range for both weight and height.. for now!


Had my 6 week postpartum appointment, and everything is good with me. In regards to sleep, I still only get about 2 thirty minute naps in the daytime, but we sleep early - like 8 or 9 on most days, so even with the interrupted sleep with the nighttime feedings, I THINK I'm pretty much getting enough sleep (since I only need 6-7 hours). Definitely in the rhythm of being a mom now, though it still amazes me how quickly my life has changed and now 100% revolves around the baby - life of diaper changes, feedings, and everything in between. It's going to be weird thinking about how to transition back to work when the time comes.. I'm supposed to go back to work around the mid-June timeframe and that's coming up QUICK.

I had my first solo outing this week along with my doctor's appointment.. speaking of how my life now revolves around the baby - even though I was only going out for a few hours, I had to worry about having milk available for my mom to feed the baby and then also be cognizant of how long I'm out because I can't go over 4 hours without either feeding the baby or pumping. I had a hair appointment and the doctor's appointment, and it pretty much took exactly 4 hours and my boobs were full. Thankfully came home in time to feed a crying baby.
On the actual outing though! It was so nice just doing a normal person thing at my own leisurely pace without having to worry about hearing a cry far off in the distance and tending to a baby. I got my hair cut about 4 inches (now OFFICIALLY a mom with the shorter hair) since it got kind of annoying sometimes with it brushing against the baby's face when I'm nursing her, or just needing the extra step of ALWAYS having to put up my hair when I deal with the baby. That and I wanna get ahead of postpartum hair loss, which happens at 5-6 months. I have a LOT of hair, so I'm sure a lot of hair will also be shedding. That timeframe is a while from now but my last haircut was about half a year ago anyway.

    • I was worried about still having some spotting at 6 weeks ( most women stop postpartum bleeding after 3 weeks), but my doctor said it was normal and to let my body run its course. Soooo, since she said I was okay, I've started to at least TRY to get in a light 30 minute session in the morning of yoga and easy abdomen and lower back exercises in between her morning feedings, since I'm a morning person anyway and I like getting things out of the way. WHEN I CAN, of course. When I've actually had ample sleep the night before.. otherwise, sleep always comes first. The ab workouts I've done have been short and easy but my abs are pretty sore the next day. Guess they just got THAT weak! But yeah I also hadn't done ANY ab exercises since I got pregnant.
    • Mentioned before but def want to put in more effort to go on more walks! Mya gets all of her shots at her 2 month appointment in about 2 weeks, so we should be able to go out more as a family more often afterward.
    •  Starting to "window-shop" online again as I mentioned I wanted to revamp my wardrobe - only bought one pair of shoes so far. I'm on IG a lot when I nurse Mya, and man, are they good with the sponsored ads in the Instastories.. lol.. With shopping though, I'm gonna hold off unless the store has easy online returns or I'm able to actually be in store to try everything out. That and also gonna try to look at things NOT on sale, the frugal Asian roots in me run deep.
    • Still trying to build this up so I can more freedom in going out.. I don't get that much milk when I pump and she went through a few bags during her clusterfeeding periods so need to work on this more again.
    • My mom's slated to be here until June, around the time I have to go back to work.. have to think about what I want to do. If I want my mom to stay, if I wanna go part-time in the office, work remotely, put her in daycare, etc., etc. I HAVE NO CLUE YET. Still have to see what Mya's routine is like and how I can handle everything closer to when the time come. Apparently after 3 months is when it gets slightly easier. After this time frame is when their stomachs get bigger and the feeding schedule gets a little looser (every 3-4 hours instead of 2-3). Which means I'm at the halfway mark. Oh lord, I can't believe I only have six more weeks to think about all of this. I feel overwhelmed already, lol.
