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3/09/19: Every day is an accomplishment

Man.. when you're at home for 3 weeks straight in a row without going outside AT ALL, the days really blend into each other. Every day that passes by is literally the same routine (see my previous post). At least, probably until next week, when she hits one month old and starts more mental development and being more awake and aware - FINALLY BECOMING A HUMAN BEAN and not just a widdo alien that just needs sleep and food.

Every day / every night is an accomplishment though. ESPECIALLY every night. Every time Mya wakes up for a night feeding, I peek at the time and PRAY that at least 2 hours have passed. Just give me that little bit.

I'm pretty much a hermit and I don't really mind staying at home. But ZERO interaction with the outside world and not being able to go out to eat kind of sucks. I could probably go on short walks outside but it takes so much effort to put on 'real' clothes and trying to look decent just to go out for 15-30 minutes. I ain't spending all that effort just for so little!
I mentioned before you don't really care what day it is. Monday or Saturday.. it doesn't matter - your day's plan is probably going to be the same - you ain't goin' nowhere!!!

We're gonna start ordering food in a couple of times a week just to break the routine. Props to all the mamas who can feel comfortable with going out and nursing in public so early and so fast! That ain't me.

Slightly off topic, but since I mentioned food... I'm AGAIN so, so, so grateful that my mom is here to help - she help preps lunch and dinner to make sure I'm well-nourished and also helps lull her to sleep during the daytime feedings which saves me tons of time and effort and allows me to nap...

OK.. that's all. I usually try to have an ending that flows fairly well before I conclude a post.. but fuggit, ain't nobody got time for that. Gonna go get ready to pump now. BYE!
