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3/21/19: I got things to do, people to see.. or do you?!

Bleh. Today was the first time I lost patience with Mya.

She got up at 4:30, so I fed her, then tried lulling her to sleep for about an hour and a half, with a diaper change and two spit-up sessions in between. Kept crying even after trying all the 'solutions' and it turns out, she was just hungry again at 6:00 AM.. another cluster feeding session. I mean, nothing out of the ordinary, just normal baby things.

I wasn't mad that I was up early or anything, you get out of the state of sleepiness once you have to be up for over an hour.

I was frustrated because I had envisioned a productive morning and was excited to 'SEIZE THE DAY': feed her, have her sleep by 5:30, pump, nap, then be ready for her second morning feeding.

Of course, it didn't go that way and my 'plans' were ruined.

But then I thought about why I was even frustrated in the first place.
Do I NEED to breastpump?
Why am I even mad? She's just doing what babies do.
I'm not even sleepy or trying to go back to bed.

I really only got annoyed because my 'plans' were ruined. But who am I to make plans? I should be in the present and adapt to what baby needs.

That's what I did and felt better.
I apply this in daily life too.

Sometimes, I'd want to rush home after a long day of work and be mad if someone in front of me was walking slow or somehow holding up something. But then, I think... why am I rushing home? Am I even going to do anything important? I'm really only saving like 5 minutes if I walk past this dude.

After coming to that realization, my anger disappears completely and you feel lighter and relieved because that pressure on yourself has been taken off and your expectations don't get 'ruined.'

Things are different if you actually HAVE to be somewhere at a certain time, like a flight or a business meeting. Even if it's dinner with a friend, how mad are they going to be if you're a taaaad late? (If you say they're going to be mad, then maybe they're not a good friend.. hah)

I've mentioned this before, but again, perspective is everything.
