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3/18/19: Resetting my wardrobe (Marie Kondo-ing my shit)

I finally had time yesterday to unpack all of my pre-pregnancy clothes.

Since I was pregnant, there was only a select few tops and pants that I could fit, so we stored everything else away for the time being since it was winter here in New York and I knew I wouldn't need any of my Californian clothes for quite a few months.

I already knew that I wanted to do an overhaul on my entire wardrobe after having the baby. I've been wanting to cut down on the amount of clothing that I've had to fit in with our more minimalist lifestyle - plus, now that I'm 30, I want to invest in having nicer and more high quality things.

These past 2 years, I've moved twice: once out of my house in SF to his in Daly City, and then again to New York this past year. I've already pared down A LOT of my clothing, but I knew my wardrobe in its current state still didn't entirely spark joy for me.

Damn that Marie Kondo..

I had about 3 big plastic storage bins' worth of clothing that were stored away (MINUS jackets) - which wasn't too much, so I decided to just unload everything. I ended up having a donate/sell pile of 1 storage bin's worth, so all in all, I'm getting rid of about 1/3 of my stuff! It's crazy if you think about how many clothes you actually NEED vs what we have... as Americans, and as westerners in general, we live in such excess, it's gross.

My plan is to really evaluate my current wardrobe (once I have a chance to go out and wear my clothes again) and then see again from there if it really sparks joy or not. I want to hone in on the type of clothing and style that really works well for me, and once I figure that out, investing in higher end, practical and basic pieces that can coordinate really well with one another.

My other goal is to upgrade my shoe and jacket game. Shoes really make the outfit and I feel like my shoes are too casual and a bit underage for me.

RANDOM, but a few observations from reorganizing my wardrobe this weekend:
  • You seriously can fit SO MUCH MORE in your drawers folding it the Marie Kondo way + I love that you can see literally every item of clothing when you open your drawers
  • Since you ARE able to see every item.. I found that I have WAY too many gray tshirts.. literally probably 10-15 gray tees. -_-.. but this is because I was trying to find 'the perfect tee' .. which I'm still on the hunt for. I have a long torso but I'm shorter and have wider hips so it's kind of a challenge for me still.
Most people know but I do sell my clothes online. I listed about 20 items and  then have a pretty big box of clothes that I'm donating. Initially I was like.. I won't have time to sell clothes as a new mama! But actually, I do.. I'm pretty much on lockdown when I'm breastfeeding Mya and it takes AT LEAST 20 minutes per session, which means plenty of time to play with my phone / list my items.. so I finished all of that up in one day.. haha O_O

Proud to say I already sold 3 things in the course of 24 hours, which is nice! So nice to feel productive and accomplishing something outside of new parenthood.
