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3/19/19: "You're definitely making enough milk."

It was Mya's second doctor appointment today at about 5 weeks. She gained two pounds in two weeks! Average is usually 0.5 lbs per week for newborns.. the doctor exclaimed, "Whoa! You're definitely making enough breastmilk!" Haha.. well shiet. All that cluster feeding. I definitely can see and FEEL her growth!

While the baby was being weighed, I happened to see a regular scale and asked the nurse if I could weigh myself too ^___^;.. I gained about 20 pounds over the course of the pregnancy and lost about 13 pounds so far, which means I have 7 pounds to lose. (*I hate using weight for numbers, I usually just go by how my stomach looks and how my pants fit.) When I unpacked my clothes over the weekend, I also was able to try on some pants and I'm about 1 size up from pre-pregnancy weight. Thankfully I saved some jeans/pants in one size up - we all have our "fat" jeans and our "skinny" jeans, don't we??

When you breastfeed, it's hard to lose weight because you want to produce enough milk. With the baby's current weight and average daily milk intake, I'm supposed to be eating 440 extra calories a day. I used to be a calorie counter back in like.. late high school years and it's SUPER restrictive to eat that way because the numbers add up so quickly. I'm just gonna stick to eating healthy like I usually do, and listening to my body - eating when I'm hungry, stopping when I'm full.

It's nice being able to eat extra though. I love food and it's definitely always one of the highlights of my day. Muahahha.
