damn! i can't believe it's already been a week since i gave birth!
we went to Jackson's 1 week appointment yesterday, so far, so good. he gained about 3 oz, which is awesome because newborns usually lose weight within the first 2 weeks (b/c they don't have an umbilical cord constantly feeding them food anymore!) - good for me too, b/c it means my milk supply isn't an issue! i remember mya gained weight pretty well when she was born too.
my recovery is much easier than last time.
the doc had to cut me a little bit last time. no cutting required this time and the doc said i just had a very minor 4 mm tear that didn't require stitches, so at least my DOWN THERE area is feeling WAY better than the first time. i think i even feel about normal at this point.. last time i remember i would be super sore and stingy for the first few weeks every time i sat down and got back up.
last time i remember i had trouble walking up stairs and walking was kind of cumbersome. guess that might have been due to the stitches but i feel normal this time and can walk fine.
OH! i do want to say my pelvis and back pain almost completely disappeared after giving birth! ah, losing 15 pounds or so in a day will do that to ya. all that damn weight and pressure. my lower back is a TAD sore in certain positions, but i think some of my lower back bones are still out of place.
sleep.. it's been kinda up and down, considering we have a newborn. BUT i will say, i am napping better this time - or that i CAN nap nowadays. i still don't "sleep when the baby sleeps" because i'm honestly just too awake. but i do take a nap in the late afternoon usually, and i'm able to go down for over 30 minutes and that gets me through (though I was able to survive last time with no naps anyway). i definitely have ZERO anxiety about the baby waking up and needing to feed him. with mya, that was always on my mind. it also didn't help that i would use my phone constantly during every feeding with mya, which kept my mind super stimulated and probably prevented me from sleeping and napping. nowadays i don't use my phone at all and it's kind of nice literally just staring into space, or staring at him while i'm nursing him.
the first three days with Jackson - sleep was pretty easy. he would sleep for about 2 hours and wake up to feed and be put down pretty easily. very consistent and self-scheduled which was nice. then day 4 and 5 - he was about the same in the daytime but omg, so terrible at night T______T
literally was up around 2 AM - 5:30 AM with pretty much no break. would just be put down for like 15-20 minutes and then want to eat again. those wee early morning hours are the WORST because my sleep pressure is the strongest then.. well BOTH me and Carlo of course. i think it was because my milk supply was still coming in - i feel like just yesterday (day 6) was when my milk fully came in because now my boobs are totally full. yesterday, he actually slept pretty well again, kinda like the first few days. waking up every 2-3 hours is pretty doable because you still get a break.. though i know that sounds pretty terrible for a regular person with no kids. lol.
other postpartum things. i swear the first 2-3 days with mya i would wake up SUPER sweaty, like DRENCHEDDD after i came back from the hospital. this is due to your body still regulating your hormones after birth. this didn't happen to me this time... although i did wake up super sweaty after my first nap at the hospital, but not sure if it was because i was on a polyester pillow and the heat in the room was at 70 O_o
i didn't get engorged boobs this time! when your milk first comes in, you usually get engorged boobs because your body is just trying to overcompensate and make more milk than needed, and then it adjusts as you start feeding the baby and your body fully understands the supply and demand. with mya i remember i woke up literally dripping in milk and my boobs super full and rock hard. this time, my milk came in pretty gradually.
OH! also, my nipples are not in pain like they were last time because i got the baby to latch properly off the get-go this time. they're a bit sore though but manageable. last time i didn't even wear a shirt around the house because it just grazing a shirt was painful. this time, i'm fine. i bought two things of nipple balm and everything but i don't think i'll need both.. eh.. at least it'll make for a good lip balm.
OH! differences with Jackson and Mya so far.
jackson is very gassy and farts ALL the time. mya never did. i think that's the main difference so far. though i'm reading on my old blogs, and mya was also very gassy but it came in the form of needing to burp. jackson's head is definitely smaller.. and he seems to move a lot more than mya did at this age. he loves kicking and moving his arms out of his swaddle. he grunts and makes noises before he fully wakes up and cries out of hunger. i think i always was awaken by mya's cries first (no warning noises!)
NEWBORN LIFE - staring at toothless, small baby while feeding is pretty great. i love their helpless and aimless arm movements and their weird drunken faces after they eat and when they sleep. :3
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