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2y 8m

Mya is now officially a big sister!! =)

her first meeting with Jackson:we came back with him overnight so she met him in the morning after she woke up. i woke her up as usual and askedif she wanted to see the baby. she shyly yes and followed me in the roomm but got really shy and held my hand and didn't want to leave my side at ALL. even though Jackson was so tiny, i was surprised she was scared to go closer. well, maybe it was hard to see because he was all the way in the MIDDLE of our bed and she didn't want to delve into the unknown.

IDK! it was really hard to read her and i still don't quite know how to interpret what she felt. she looked both shy and scared - she is always shy with new people though but i thought maybe it would be slightly different with a tiny human. we asked if she wanted to go closer and it was a nope. she saw him throughout the day, she of course saw him 'cause we had to hold him and feed him. i don't think she was jealous but she would mostly look over out of curiosity in what we were doing. she never really commented about the baby when we would show him to her, but i think she was still slowly processing what to think about him. after her lunch before her afternoon nap, he was sleeping so we asked if she wanted to see him again and although it was a yes, it was kind of same as the first meeting where she was still shy and still a bit scared. carlo held her closer and she still looked nervous but at least would smile back when carlo smiled at her. i started taking pictures though and i think that made her nervous - almost like she wanted to cry. she knew there was definitely a lot of attention with this baby! later in the afternoon, carlo was actually looking at old pictures and videos of mya when she was a newborn and she was really interested in that and kept commenting that's meeeee and trying to be all cute =) she definitely knows there's a new luster that goes along with being a new baby so we just reassured her that we always love her no matter what and that the baby just needs a lot of help. she did warm up to him through the course of the day and would just say things like, 'baby's crying' or 'baby's crying again!' and sometimes just have a look of confusion when seeing him (b/c honestly babies do kinda look like weird red aliens lol and he still has a clamp where his umbilical cord used to be and she was prob curious at what it was.

overall still too early to see what she really thinks. baby sleeps a lot so hasn't really interrupted her routine. i was most worried about his crying possibly affecting her sleep, but she sleeps like a champ. she hasn't really acted out but she's definitely done some things out of .. not jealousy but wanting more or equal attention to the baby - like wanting to bring her baby blanket to our room in our bed (i think because she sees that Jackson sits there) or particularly wanting to play with the rocking chair that used to be in her room but Carlo moved to our room so that he could use it at night to lull Jackson to sleep.

in terms of just regular development updates!
just getting way better at memory and sentences. can have a full on conversations with her now. still REALLY into pretend play and narrating everything she does during bath.
sooo sweet. somehow gets sweeter every day. loves hugs and being hugged. i think my favorite is when she comes back from school and i'm usually in my room working.. i usually pretend to be her and i call out "mommyyyy!!" and i run to her and she runs into my arms and wraps her legs around my body and we give each other the biggest hug :3 oh, and when saying our good nights, i actually crawl into bed with her now and she sometimes caresses my hair when i tell her good night and to have a good sleep.
new favorite at the playground is actually the sand lot! messy but i'm glad she likes to get down and dirty, i guess.
stopped liking to eat at the dinner table with us (well maybe like half of the time) and prefers to eat at the living room table. still loves her rice and chicken skin. proteins are kinda iffy but we figure she can still afford to lose her tummy - haha. weight is not really a thing we worry about with her.

mm i think that's about it! overall she is really becoming more like a little girl each day, but still has aspects of being a baby.. i'm really enjoying this time and seeing her blossom into her own little self! somehow when i came back home with Jackson, she just looked so much prettier and girl like even though i had only not seen her for a full day due to not being able to leave the hospital.
