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'mommy lay down!'


we were playing with Mya before bed like we always do and she got the idea to tuck me in with a bath towel and told me to lie down on the floor. i pretended to sleep and she kept laying a bath towel over me, over and over again. she wanted to lay it perfectly flat and it wasn’t the way she wanted it. she seriously did this for like 30 minutes and i couldn’t contain my smile and laughter because it was so fucking endearing and the way she was doing it was so gentle and loving.. especially when her warm lil baby hands would graze over my bare arms. she was so quiet as if i were really sleeping and i could hear her lil concentrated baby breaths. when i would pretend to wake up to actually get her ready to sleep she would just say “Mommy lay down.” i thanked her one time for tucking me in and she had the proudest smile on her face. she stopped tucking me in and sat a couple of feet away to watch me sleep. my dear heart! i love her so fucking much.

i think she would have did this for hours but unfortunately i had to trick her out of it because it was seriously time for her to sleep 😕 i had to switch the situation on her and say that i would tuck her in and i told her to lay down. she did it hesitantly but once she was down she looked so in awe, like, ah, this is what it’s like to be on the receiving end. i laid the towel over her perfectly straight and ironed out the wrinkles with my hand and she looked so at peace. when i finally got her to bed she was like.. wait! i don’t want this night to end and said, “no no no!” 🙁

good night my baby love! of course, she takes after her mother because i of course check the baby monitor to see how she's doing too after i leave the room.

i seriously love you so much. every biddy widdy piece. she's at the age where she can reciprocate her feelings and love in such a big way and this is one of my top favoritest parent moments so far ❤
