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22 month update

  • current fav toy is a HUGE box that she loves walking in and out of. one of the flaps acts as a door. 
  • likes to direct/tell mommy/daddy what to do (go inside the box - "mommy inside?? mommy inside? mommy inside!!!") 
  • sometimes picks up books on her own and turns pages / looks at them by herself
  • doesn't like going in the stroller and throws a tantrum/cries probably b/c she wants to move around. right now it seems like the trick is to get her snacks - and carlo just started using the baby carrier again
  • walks outside for longer periods of time, while holding our hand. she gets scared easily when she hears loud cars, or a train or if she feels like she's on an open street and then just clamors to come up. hopefully she'll just get bigger and better! it's kinda crazy that those kinds of sounds are just white noise to us as adults, but i can definitely understand if you're a tiny baby that it's super scary and foreign
  • hates diaper changes! always runs away lol even if she sees us starting to hold up her PJs
  • loves shoes and putting on shoes! still puts on our shoes and slippers at home - we were also at a ZARA and she kept wanting to try shoes on
  • likes playing with legos (only stacks up) - doesn't really care to knock things down
  • can sing ABC and twinkle twinkle little star from start to finish
  • likes singing songs from school
  • loves drawing with markers/pencils. she's doing less random less left-right scribbles and starting to show some intention in her drawings and even creating things like circles!
  • doing more repeating in terms of words and actions and really starting to remember and call out what certain things are!
