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6 weeks

still waking up every 2 hours on his own. when will this stretch out?? he has about two times in the day where he's up for like 2 hours, thankfully his schedule is pretty consistent and predictable. we didn't have a schedule with mya but that's because we always let her sleep for the whole day. i'm still getting the broken sleep but again, my body is used to it.

he already rolled over TWICE today and he rolled over a few times over the weekend. carlo was thinking it was a fluke but i think he has those muscles and that coordination down now. we're gonna have a runner on our hands soon enough! on my last update i said he'd roll over at about the 2 month mark but looks like he's hit that already. now we'll see when he can roll from stomach to back!
physically he can also stand for longer when i pick him up - on Friday i swear he only stood for like 5-10 secs at a time, but just today (3 days later) he stood for a good 10-20 seconds.
mentally he's always LOVED looking around at us and at things, but he feels more focused now and really listening and almost trying to communicate back when we talk to him.
HATES car rides
already getting better with bath time
much more gassy than mya was and moves around ALOT when nursing

otherwise, not too much new.

everything still all good with mya and she still adores him!
she still gets smarter and does at least one thing new that surprises me every day.
she's been getting better about eating dinner with us. it was a power struggle of her wanting to eat ONLY at the coffee table in the living room instead of the dining table with us for about a good month, but she's way more cooperative now, though it does require that we show her pictures on our phone or iPad. ideally we don't have screentime at all during mealtimes but we'll take what we can .. before it was MELTDOWNS of wanting more TV before she eats but she's really good when we shut it off now (we usually have her watch one episode after school for her to wind down).

still loves and requests for only gabby and pocoyo
really good about eating and trying new food
new things that she's tried and loves: pomegranates, soondae
didn't know she liked fried cod (but i guess it's fried and she eats fishsticks at school..)
still loves her broccoli and steak
loves oranges now that they're back in season
loves helping dad cook in the morning and drags her chair to see the top of the counter to assist
only gives jackson hugs and kisses easily lol - we all have to work for it nowadays
still really sweet at bedtime and gives us big hugs and kisses!!
rekindled her love for the nugget and loves sliding and climbing down the 'slide' we make for her in the living room
honestly it seems like her behavior has actually IMPROVED since jackson's been born. and she's been really understanding of us needing to tend to the baby and doesn't get jealous at all. in fact, she gives us 'permission' and tells us to go!
still loves help putting away laundry
new thing is chasing dad and being chased by dad "IM GONNA GET CHUUU!"
still shy at daycare but apparently has one best friend called niko, who is apparently just as shy. WHAT HAPPENED TO RJ??? (RJ used to be her best friend and she talked about him all the time!) we get these super cute pictures of them going down the slide and playing with leaves together
more intentional about her coloring now - colors in the objects specifically, even if they are out of the lines
LOVES drawing and coloring! I guess she's really loved it since she's turned 18 months when she used markers on the moving boxes back when we lived in Forest Hills
HATES using blankets. likes being tucked in at bedtime but always manages to kick the blankets off when she sleeps (maybe because she runs hot..) it's been cold here in maryland and we're really scared she's going to catch a cold so we have to really layer her up when she sleeps

been really good with outings with dad when we think it's a logistical challenge to do something with the whole family, especially since i have to nurse jackson every 2 hours and he HATES car rides.. so far not too many outings with just carlo but i imagine it's going to be more frequent once jackson has an actual sleep schedule around the 4 month mark

it's nearing winter here and i forgot if i had even written about our outings but:
mya really enjoyed her school's trunk or treat. it was our first one ever and it was pretty cool seeing people deck out their cars for halloween! mya was so shy and only commented on one that had paw patrol decorations.. we've never watched paw patrol so she must get to watch a bit for school or something. there WAS candy involved and thankfully since we never eat candy and she doesn't really know what it is, she didn't eat ANY of it (proud that we managed that) though she was really close to eating a lollipop and had like a 5 minute meltdown when Carlo took it away from her (it was RIGHT at bedtime so it was a big no-no..).
as a parent now, we really think more people should hand out non-candy treats, cuz WHYYYY and why does it have to be so late because it really makes bedtime for toddlers a nightmare! lol.. mya has really good memory so we had to be really good about slowly taking candy away from her basket so that she wouldn't notice that stuff was missing. and she kept asking to open certain ones and i let her but we called them "counting beans" and not candy so she just thought they were toys *PHEW*

there's been a few trips to the store and to the aquarium with just carlo and thankfully he says she's really easy when it's just them two. no meltdowns!

thanksgiving is coming up this week and just this past weekend, we visited the agricultural center here and we learned about turkeys and saw turkeys! i thought mya was scared but she chatted about them a lot (of course) after we left the group. she also saw horses, piggies, goats, lambs, and bunnies. to my surprise she actually petted the bunny when i asked if she wanted to touch it, but maybe because she had experience petting a bunny at school since a parent brought one to school one time. she's getting so mature and so smart!
