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update on 2.5y/o sleep regression last week

last week was a doozy! yesterday was the first day that she went to sleep before 9 (put her to bed at 8:15, which is in the range of what we usually do, which is 8-8:30) hopefully we're back on track.

after thinking about it more, we think it was a mixture of 2 things: just a regular sleep regression (due to her age and wanting to test boundaries) and us letting her sleep in late, and hence staying up later, from when she was sick the previous week.

lately, we had been letting her sleep in as long as she wanted, which was usually about 7:30 AM (she usually gets up like 6:45) and hence that pushing out her sleeptime for about an hour.. plus she has just been learning SOOOO much CONSTANTLY, we can't even keep track. she surprises us with something new literally every day.

it was also a matter of her just testing her boundaries, I think. like, knowing that she doesn't necessarily have to be on our schedule and wanting to stay up and play with us as much as she possibly can until we draw the line somewhere. a learning experience for all of us. PHEW. now THIS is what having a toddler is really like....
same thing with daycare dropoffs. lately she has been crying and not wanting to go to school for about the last week or so too. she definitely wants to stay home and play with us as much as possible - learning about choices and independence.

either way! gonna start waking her back up at 6:45 (if she's not up before then) to keep her on track. makes the day so much longer and harder when me and carlo are playing with her and reasoning with her til 9-9:30 at night. crazy!

BTW - she slept at 10 PM on Saturday night. that was the absolute worst. but i'm like.. k, she's gonna be super tired on Sunday then and we'll use this opportunity to get her back on track. she had a nap at 1-2 PM yesterday and so we're back on track today. hopefully this keeps up and i won't have to write a crazy update next week.. lol. wish me luck!
