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30 month (2.5 y/o) sleep regression!

OMG we had the HARDEST night on Saturday. When things are smooth and easy, you forget how much of a privilege and gift that really is, lol.. you can skip near the end to read about the actual Saturday and what happened :/

anyhow.. there's been a few things that have been going on. Mya caught a slight sickness on Tuesday night (just a very mild fever for 2 days), so we kept her home from Tues-Fri. we actually did drop her off to daycare on Friday, but got a call an hour later from the school that she wasn't acting like herself (was on the floor and not in the mood to do anything) - but they did confirm she wasn't showing any sick symptoms, but did know that she was out sick the last 2 days. i think she was JUST warming up to class when I just got there - she wasn't in the group activity with the other kids, but standing by herself and kinda smiling looking at something. of course, she did see me and ran to me right away - and at that point, i was just like.. eh, i'm having a slow week, you've seen me already, and honestly you're still probably just a tad sick, so it doesn't hurt to take care of you for one more day..

through her 3 sick days, she was still acting like herself and in high spirits, the only difference was that she was running a little hot and that she was eating a bit less, but that was about it! it was an EXTRA long week for me though, because i already took care of her on my own over the weekend because Carlo had to work - so basically 5 out of the 7 days, she was solely in my care. it was a lot of work, but at this age, a lot easier and it was honestly a pleasure literally being able to see everything that she does throughout the day and how she interacts with things and toys and myself. there were a few instances where i was cooking or prepping lunch and she was actually in her room by herself for almost an hour and a half!

anywayyy.. she must have had so much fun playing with me, being at home, and of course, getting WAY more TV than usual (probably almost 3 hours throughout the course of the day - hey, mama needs time to herself and to check work emails too..) that she didn't want to go to school on Friday. fun for her, and it WAS fun for me as well, but, man, was it exhausting!

AAAANYWAY, at least the weekend came and carlo would be around. we usually do outings on weekends so it makes the day go by fast  and it's fun for all of us :o) on both days though, she only got like a 20-30 minute nap in the car (not restful sleep, she usually naps for 90 minutes to 2 hours in her bed) and surprisingly she wasn't tired for the rest of the day.. but we sure were.. lol. usually when she naps, we nap too. i usually knock out for 20 minutes and at least get quiet time to lie down and look at my phone. carlo's usually out for at least an hour.

on saturday, we figured she'd need to go to bed earlier since she only napped for such a short duration. her usual bed time is 8, but lately she's been really pushing it to 8:30-8:45 O_O. but that's dependent on her having a full daytime nap, at least.. we tried darkening the room around 7:45 and getting her to the idea of storytime before bed starting, but it was NOT working and she kept fighting it. she actually was acting out a lot on Carlo and anything he did, so he unfortunately had to leave the room because his presence seemed to just keep pissing her off, so it was me trying to reason with her and calm her down for probably a good 45-60m in the dark.. it was really stressful and even all of that didn't really work. Carlo tried putting her in bed and seeing if she might just stay there but MAN that pissed her off even more and she ran out so angrily and we pretty much had to start from square 0 again. it was really down to the wire at like ALMOST 9 o'clock and she was still crying hysterically and literally rejecting ANYTHING we suggested (mostly attributed to overtiredness). i was like MAN she really isn't gonna go sleep, and we can't leave the room or seem to do ANYTHING.. felt so hopefully.

i ended up reading a book that she yelled at me that it was okay for me to read (lol) so i just read the book maybe like.. 10 times. she started to calm down after the first couple of times, and i think she really finally realized she was tired after a few more times and FINALLY after reading the same book for so many times only by the light of the streetlights outside, she finally got up and walked to bed herself and we sang her rock a bye baby two or three times and she knocked out right away. GAH poor girl, she must have been so tired and miserable.

on sunday, i was like FUCK i hope we don't get a repeat from yesterday.. she did only have a very short nap again and she had a tantrum during bathtime before bedtime.. probably lasted 30 minutes, but still very triggering (probably for all of us!). she went to sleep late again, but at least, this time without a fight and at 8:30...

but yeah. we'll see how today goes. she has been pushing bedtime a bit later and later so me and carlo BARELY have time to compress after our work days.. usually it means we watch one episode of something and then we go sleep right after. hopefully just a temporary stint as she's going through a mental leap - because she really has been learning SOOO MUCH recently - we shall see!!
