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5/14/21 Second month in Maryland

Guess I'm keeping up with monthly updates, not just for Mya but for our lyfe!

  • Still loves playing and drawing on the cardboard box (how many months has it been?), and still loves her Pokemon books (been like 3 months now)
  • Her memorization of past events and pronunciation of words has progressively gotten better and better
    • can repeat most Pokemon names pretty easily and fluently
    • loves jibber-jabbering to Carlo about what she did at school on the car ride home.. unfortunately I'm not around for these!
      • another example of her having good memory was that, the day before, I showed her a unicorn doll and asked, "Who gave this to you? Yi yi gave this to you." The next day I was sitting next to her unicorn and she came by and said, "Who gave you? Yi yi." SO CUTE
  • Met Yi Yi (my little sister, so, Mya's maternal aunt) for the first time. She took only a day or two to warm up to her!! IDK if it's just her age now that she's a bit older or b/c my sis is so silly and like, the BEST play buddy, maybe both, but it was very sweet to see. She even gave her hugs and kisses within a few days
  • Becoming her own little adult. Sometimes when playing and I'm sitting on the floor, she'll say, "Mommy, come," like a command and then motions her hand for me to follow her.. or she'll sometimes say, "Nooooo, Mommy, don't touch!" while pointing at me authoritatively.. lolol.
  • Not as picky with food like last month, I think it was prob just a mixture of her adjusting to the new house/daycare that she might have been acting out a little. Carlo's parents are actually visiting now and making lots of Chinese food and she's surprisingly eaten it all (pork knuckles, braised beef/stew, even sea cucumber!)
  •  Doesn't ask for TV anymore! Though, with all these visitors in the house, I'm sure she's distracted or always engaged with something or someone, so we'll see how that goes once we have no more visitors.. it's been a little less than 3 months with either one of our parents here!
  • Speaking of the parents, she's been bonding really well and easy with everyone, I think it's a mixture of her age and just being accustomed to constantly seeing new people at her daycare.. still takes a few days to REALLY open up, but that's normal!
  • I don't think I've mentioned this, but she's loved bathtime since.. IDK.. a few months ago, but we actually had her standing in a plastic tub and Carlo just last month actually just got her to sit. She just plays in there with LITERALLY the same toys every night playing for like 30 minutes but somehow does something different in there every night. She DID just start walking there and being excited to go into bath by herself very recently. Again I think some of it is attributed to daycare because I'm sure they always have scheduled activity and she's used to following instructions
  • Warming up to my family over video chat easier now! She usually just stares and looks uncomfortable into the phone but during the last call, she was actually talking!

PERSONALLY - As I mentioned above, it's been a little less than 3 months with either one of our parents here. It's been a bit trying/tiring at times and we can't wait to just be our family of 3 again and do our own thang... we had ONE day in between where my mom flew out and Carlo's parents flew in and it was actually really nice. We don't even know what that's like anymore, esp. not in Maryland in this new house since my mom got here a week after we arrived.

Weather here in Maryland is weird. It keeps oscillating between spring and summer weather (like, 70's one week, 50's the next) but I think it will really warm up soon! Should be really humid here so we'll see what that's like.

We've finally done some exploring into Philly, DC, and Baltimore - it's been nice visiting new cities and we really like Philadelphia Chinatown and the Old Town area there. It's about a 90 minute drive away though and it's the closest Chinatown to us, but at least we can stock up or get our Chinese fix every 2 months or so probably. DC was kinda boring, don't think we'll visit there much again, if ever, and Baltimore was really nice and only a 30 minute ride away!
