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19 month update

 a bit late but finally fall here in NY and the little one turns 19 months. she's learning so much at an even higher exponential rate! much more conscious about what/how we're speaking/acting since it really is like monkey-see-monkey-do. she's such a happy little girl and i don't think i'll ever get over how cute she looks when she's running towards me with such reckless abandon.

i think my favorite new things that she's been doing are:
wanting to hold hands with both me & carlo when she's out walking sometimes
singing to herself (knows parts of the abc song here n there)
playing peekaboo with me on the bed (she says 'ka-boo..")
she JUST started actually wanting to kiss/hug us out of her own accord recently. UGH ITS TOO CUTE.
sitting in my lap (she likes opening and closing my legs)

i think her favorite food is probably still noodles. not sure if she likes noodles more than rice.
her favorite snack hands down are those baked snap peas
becoming better at expressing herself and describing things.. like "watch tee-bee". she learns new words like once every few days it seems like!
better at entertaining herself with an activity for a short period of time
continually runs back and forth to do things.. always busy
still my lil baby girl and loves sucking her thumb and her cozy blanket
started walking on her tippy toes
can alllllmost jump with two legs
LOVES shopping! i don't know what it is, but must be just the lights and everything new around her
