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18 month update

 holy moly, time flies! just like that, we're on our last weeks of summer.

18 months :)

  • late, but we FINALLY weaned her off her baby bottles. she was only having one in the morning but technically this is the latest point that you should be weaning them off because they're developmentally just too old for bottles. she knows how to drink out of straws/cups fine. complained a lot for the first 2 mornings, was OK at the 3rd, and didn't whine too much on the 4th days. i expected a full week to transition so i thought she did pretty good. she's definitely not a baby anymore :( (though my short hair girl still looks like one because she doesn't have much hair, hehe)
  • no new teeth from last month, just the same 4 top front teeth, 2 bottoms, and 4 molars
  • she can eat harder food now (like pickles, raisins, and dried cherries!) she freaking loooves pickles, i let her try some for the first time :)
  • loves practicing stepping up and down steps (especially out on public stairs). doesn't really need much assistance now (she did last month)
  • still LOVES her blankies and dolls
  • learning more words by day! even words we don't teach her b/c she goes to daycare lol.. like cookie "COO-GEE!" rice. no. stop it. (her two fav phrases to dad right now) mouse. house. hat. really good with repeating animal sounds that she's learned for months (ribbit ribbit, meow, wo wo, baaa). she's really good at mimicking words back - esp. in chinese! so going to try to speak chinese to her more often.
  • specifically really likes books with really clear and colorful animal pictures
  • starts to help putting on her own socks - so cute! brings over shoes/socks when we ask
  • way better with puzzles and putting pieces where they're supposed to
  • able to build mini towers of a couple blocks
  • lays out blocks/toys on a flat surface and then applauds herself (i think for laying it so organized)
  • LOVES picking up random branches/sticks/rocks outside
  • puts remote controllers to her ear like a phone (hehe)
  • runs around more than ever
  • still gets shy around people
  • fine motor skills still advancing! able to put a bead through a string
  • loves climbing up and down the couch lol (i left her alone in the living room once and was like.. why is it so quiet??! then i went to check and she was sitting on the couch by herself lol)
  • can start ducking down when there's something above her head
